Chapter Sixteen

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My heart is thundering as I rush into a nearby classroom and slam the door shut. Closing my eyes, I grip my chest frantically, feeling like I'm not getting enough air. The temperature increases immensely and my mind is a cacophony of noise and images.  

How was I to explain the underwear? The bandages? If they don't figure me out, they'll surely come up with something equally as terrible to say about me. That bitch is always looking for a way to get back at me for 'taking Lane from her'. What do I do? Oh god, Lane is going to hate me for not telling him. Reed will hate me for lying to him. My parents will find out and really, truly hate me.

It's then that I begin hyperventilating, backing up into the chalkboard and wincing at the chalk ledge biting into my hip at the sudden impact. Am I going to have a heart attack? My heart is beating so fiercely I feel sick and dizzy. What is happening to me? Why can't I breathe, am I choking?

Suddenly, the classroom door swings open and in walks a teacher I don't really recognize with Carter and Lane close behind. "Ms. Carson!"

The man rushes over when he sees the state I'm in and it doesn't take much for him to coax me into a sitting position on the floor with my head between my knees. He makes me follow his breathing patterns until slowly, but surely my heart begins to slow and I'm able to suck in sufficient amounts of air.

"What the hell was that?" I moan, tilting my head back with my eyes closed.

"That was a panic attack," The teacher explains, looking at me oddly. "You should see the nurse, maybe call home."

I nod, feeling my heart sting when I remember I can't just go home.

"What happened, Reesy?" Lane says, eyes wide in shock as he brushes my hair behind my ear gently.

I shrug, looking to the teacher, and then to Carter who looks equally concerned, "I... I don't really know. I got mad at Noelle and stormed out and I think I just got too worked up."

Lies, lies and more lies.

"Let's get you to the nurse," The teacher interrupts, offering me a hand up, before telling Carter to give me a hand in case I get dizzy or light headed.

The four of us make our way down to the little office connected to the main office, where Nurse Amy has me sit on the bed to get looked at, but she just ends up giving me something for the nausea I feel and advises I call home if I don't well enough to go back to class.

The teacher who escorted us stays, telling me he'll wait to explain to my gym teacher what happened so I don't get given any trouble, but I wish he wasn't here so I could talk to the guys privately. Who, might I add, are staring at me like worried mother hens. Jeez, one panic attack and they act like I'm going to spontaneously combust.

"Guys," I say sharply. "I'm fine, seriously."

"You never have panic attacks, Reesecup." Lane insists, narrowing his eyes at me. "Something happened, and you're keeping it from us. Why?"

I groan, covering my face as I wish I could just disappear, "I don't want to talk about it right now, I'll just get all worked up again, and I'd like to not relive that."

Lane winces, so Carter sighs and sits next to me, "Do you want me to call your mom?"

I frown, hating the pain that lacerates my heart, "No. I can't go home... call Renè, maybe she can check me out of here for the day."

Suddenly, the teacher who's name I still don't know, speaks up, "Renè? Somers?"

Curious as to how this guy knows my friend, I shrug, "Maybe. Why?"

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