Chapter Twelve

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*René above*

It's five twenty-five the following evening, and I find myself standing outside the bar, panting like I just ran a marathon. Which, to be fair, I feel like I just may have. After school ended at three I had to run all the way home, grab a change of clothes and the ace bandages, then I had to tell my mom I was going to some girl's house to work on a project and run all the way downtown within half hour because I missed the bus. Waiting would result in me not arriving until five forty-five and Violet said that René  gets off at five-thirty exactly.

I look up at the brick exterior, tucked between a closed up store and a coffee shop. Coffee next to a bar? Smart if you ask me. Two very different moods, but coffee always cures my hangovers. Shaking my head of the pointless thoughts, I step inside and glance around. It's pretty quiet, minus the sound of baseball game playing on a screen above the actual bar and the chatter of three old men in the corner.

The only other person is a woman standing behind the bar, wiping down some glasses. I can see what Violet meant when she said I'd know the woman when I saw her. She's incredibly beautiful. Long, pale blonde hair, falling in waves around her shoulders. Her skin is fair and rosy. Her lips are full and pouty; a pale pink colour, looking petal soft. How do you even make them look that soft? Her eyes though, are sharp and calculating, a piercing grey colour that makes you feel like she knows things you don't.

Those exact eyes are trained on me as I step closer, her bold, but carefully shaped brow arcing. Despite her soft appearance, I can already tell she's not someone you mess with. She practically radiates sass and attitude, and it only increases when she speaks upon me stopping in front of her.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer," She says, voice not as high as I expect, and much smoother.

I frown, shaking my head, "Sorry, I uh-"

"You're not old enough to be in here, kid," She sighs, turning and wiping at the counter. "Don't even try to give me a fake. Your lost-puppy look screams high schooler."

My nose crinkles up at that, "I wasn't going to give you one, but thanks."

She looks over at me, eyes narrowed, "Seriously, quit staring. Unless you need something I can legally give you, get out."

I notice she has really prominent collar bones, and rather broad shoulders, despite how slender they are. I wish mine were more broad, and less narrow and dainty. Up close she's even prettier. Her features are soft, but hard at the same time. A dainty, pale, beauty mark rests on the right side of her upper lip. Her cheek bones are sharp, and her nose is petite and points upwards ever so slightly, adding to her sassiness somehow.

"Violet sent me," I say slowly, hoping this sheds some light, because even I don't really know why I'm here.

The woman's eyes widen slightly, only to narrow again, "How do you know Violet? Why would she send you to me?"

I shrug, opening my mouth uselessly a few times before words finally spill out, "I'm friends with her brother, and well, her too now. I--uhm--I've been going through stuff and sh-she said I should talk to you. She said you'd be more help than her."

A small smirk appears on her lips, "Ah. I see."

A well-built, and incredibly attractive man with rich, russet-brown skin walks in suddenly and steps up behind the bar, joining the woman. Wearing only a pair of dark denims and a tight-fitted black tee, I can't help but kind of ogle him as he pushes a set of sunglasses up into his short dark hair. His almost black-brown eyes bore into mine momentarily before focussing on the woman, who's fair, petite stature is such a sharp contrast to his dark, brooding appearance. They're polar opposites, but both are so... beautiful in extremes and I'm just here awkwardly looking like a damn potato.

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