He pulled the trigger and everything went in slow motion. Focusing hard and quickly, I opened a portal and looked behind to see another portal forming in front the other armored truck. Time seemed to slip back into it original form as the RPG went through the portal and came out the other end hitting the second armored truck. The truck took a hard hit but didn't explode.

"Ugh, someone, take the wheel," I ordered as I slide out the window and onto the roof of the car.

Guns were now being fired and I quickly put up a force field around the car and I. Running across the roof of the car, I slide down the hood and into the back of the armored truck with the guy who had shot the RPG. He went to grab his pistol but I quickly snapped his hand before snapping his head. I turned around and ripped the metal divide off that was between the front of the car and back. I quickly snapped the two guys neck causing the car to slide off the road. Flying out, I landed back on top the car.

Looking to both right and left, I saw motorcycles pulling up to both sides of the car. I quickly focused and knocked them off their bikes to which there were now on fire. I looked to see Lucifer in the driver's seat with a smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes as he was showing off. I heard a engine roar behind us and looked to see the armored truck was still there and there were now more people coming up behind it.

Flashing around, I took out some of the motorcycle guys before flashing back to the hood of the car. I looked down to see I had been shot in the stomach and arm. I looked to Lucifer whose eyes were pitch black. "It's fine. I'm fine," I reassured him but he didn't care as his body was inflamed.

"Lu," I rolled my eyes, "I'm fine. Just drive backwards," I ordered him. 

He drifted the car around and started to drive backwards so we were now facing the people. Focusing my powers, I strengthened my hand out causing the whole road under the armored cars to freeze over causing them to skied. I then used all my strength and clashed the cars together with my mind before crushing it into a ball. Motorcycles swerving  around and I mentally focused causing them to drop dead. Lucifer swerving the car back around and drove straight. I hopped into the passenger seat and looked back to see everyone was okay.

"That was... AWESOME!" Isabella squealed as Grayson nodded his head in agreement.

I chuckled at their reaction, "Thanks."

I then lifted up my shirt and looked down to my stomach. Using my power, I pulled out the bullet.

"Ouch! Doesn't it hurt?" Grayson asked. I shook my head, "Not really. It just feels like a little needle poking me," I explained as I pulled out the one from my arm before throwing the bullets out the window. "This is honestly exhausting. This was more work than the one in Greece or when we got ambushed on the island," I admitted turning to Lucifer.

He nodded, "It is. Would you like something to eat?" he asked.

My eyebrow rose, "You got food on you?" I asked as my eyes trailed around him.

He shook his head with a chuckle, "No but I could get you something. I'm pretty sure we're all hungry as well. You could take over the wheel and I'll be back in about 8 minutes with food," he offered. I nodded in agreement. He pulled me onto his lap and kissed the back of my neck before flashing out.

"You guys are honestly a cute couple," Isabella commented. "Thank you," I replied.

"What's it like knowing him for centuries?" she asked.

I shook my head, "Actually, I've only known him for about 6 years now. I became a demon the ending of December last year," I informed her.

"So you were normal before?" Grayson asked.

"Eh, sort of. I had powers before when I was human. Powers like controlling the weather, telekinesis and slow self healing. I wasn't immortal. A crash happened in the winter during one of the mission I was on and ended up drowning. I couldn't enter heaven because I guess I was too involved with Lucifer so I was reliving my death in some sort of loop. Lucifer's option was to either make me a demon or leave me in the loop. So he made the decision to bring me back and here we are," I explained.

"Awe," Grayson and Isabella both awed. "So, you and him have been together for a while now?" Grayson asked to which I nodded. "Have you done it with him yet?" she asked.

I felt my face turn red as I remember what Lucifer and I did that one night in the room. Man did he know how to put in work. "No. He likes it the other way," I lied.

Grayson's eyebrow rose, "You mean up the ass?"

I nodded and bit my lip to stop myself from laughing. "I don't believe you," Isabella spoke eyeing me from the back. "It's true," I replied, "When we want to have sex, he gives me head and in return, I put on a strap on dildo," I lied some more.

"That's crazy. I didn't know the Devil himself would go that way. I'm not hating or anything, just shock," Grayson spoke and Isabella nodded agreeing with him. "He's very open about it. He doesn't mind you asking questions about it. He loves when people ask him about it. It makes him feel...special," I smiled trying to not burst out laughing.

"Wow," Isabella spoke leaning back in her seat. I nodded and we drove for some time in silence. I guess they were taking his information in.

"I'm back with food!" a voice spoke from the passenger's seat. We all looked to see Lucifer with a bag of Wendy's in his hand along with drinks. He passed us all our food excepting Charlie. I let my powers do the driving as I used my hands to each my burger and fries. After some time, I finished and was now drinking my soda.

"When did you start liking it?" Isabella asked Lucifer causing his eyebrow to raise in confusion. "Start liking what?" he asked.

"The sex. When did you start liking the sex? Like did you think you liked it when you watch porn or when you did it with someone? When did it all begin?" She asked.

I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing as Lucifer was now wearing a 'What the fuck?' face.

"I guess when I first did it?" he replied a bit confused in questioning. "When was that if you don't mind me asking?" Grayson asked.

Lucifer looked to me and I causally shrugged before he looked back to Grayson. "When Earth was created," he replied.

"Ah so you were open about it before there was a closet," Isabella spoke. "What closet?" he asked.

"How do you not know what the closet is? The closet is a sign. So like when someone is gay and no one knows, it's refer to them being in the closet. If they tell people their gay and not hiding it, then they're out of the closet," she explained.

"I know what the closet is but what does that have to do with me? I'm not in the closet," Lucifer spoke in a firm tone.

Grayson nodded, "Of course you're not in the closet. You already came out."

"NO! There's no closet!" Lucifer sheirked.

Isabella sighed, "No, it's not a physical closet. It's a metaphor," she explained. Lucifer let out an annoyed groaned, "Look, I did not come out the closet nor was I ever in the closet. I'm not gay, I'm straight. I love pussy," he sheirked.

"But Sky said you liked it up the ass," Grayson mentioned to which I burst out laughing. I looked to Lucifer to see him glaring at me, "Y-you should of, AHHHH," I laughed harder unable to finish my sentence.

I watched as Lucifer's lips twitched up into a smirk. "You really think that's funny?" he questioned. I nodded my head as I was now in tears laughing. "We'll see if you like it up the ass later," he winked.

My laughter quickly stopped, "You stay away from my ass!" I sheirked causing him to now laugh.

"Wow, you two really are like a married couple," Grayson chuckled from the back. "A married insane couple," Isabella corrected. I couldn't help but laugh to which Lucifer just rolled his eyes in annoyance. 

War With The Devil - BOOK 4 ✔ (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now