This all felt like too much for me. This was pure mental torture.

     "Could you please like change her lip color to a glowy lipgloss", Liz points to my lips in disgust, commanding one of the girls who helped me get up.

The girl with short black hair immediately obeys, wiping the lipstick on my lips away.

     "OH MY GOD! WHERE IS HER HIGHLIGHTERRRRR???", she rests the back of her hand on her forehead, making it look as if she was about to faint. "Faye, needs to glow like a goddess! There are going to be soooo many photographers. You can't do her dirty like that."

She shakes her head in disbelief, mouthing to me:"I can't believe those cheap ass girls."

Little did she know how she looked right now with her cheap blond wig.

     Long time no see Lisa-Patricia.


"Faye, it's finally time", Sierra's voice beams happily through the room.

I stand up from the chair, my knees buckling in process. They felled weak, like jello. My angst was taking over my whole body.

"Easy there", she said, holding my arms to support me. "Smile, Faye, it's your wedding day don't be so anxious. I know for a fact that Mason will love you even if you came up in your pyjamas."

I was only able to send her a mere smile, making her even more ecstatic.

We stood in front of a big door which led to the room which was full of people celebrating "our wedding".

"Okay, stand here I'll give sign that you're ready so when you hear the music the doors are going to open and you just have to walk in."

Before I could even think twice she was already gone.


And the piano notes of "Rivers flow in you" from Yiruma was already playing.


The doors open, revealing the full room which was staring right at me..... I looked like a dead fish, staring back at them.

Welp, this is awkward.

I've always hated being the centre of attention, but this is way too much.

"Faye", Sierra whispered softly to me, making me fall back to the reality.

I look right in front of me.... and there he stood.

In the middle of the gigantic room stood Mason. He looked magnificent in his black suit.... and his Bordeaux red tie which I had bought for him.

His smile lit the whole room up. He was mesmerizing, his whole frame immediately calmed me down and gave me the energy to walk up to him.

The surroundings in the room vanished. I wasn't aware of anything happening. The time was frozen. I could only focus on him, Mason. Our gaze never broke off until I was inches away from him.

His hand reached out, taking my tiny palm in his big, warm- all too familiar hands.

"Hey, princess. You look absolutely breathtaking", he whispered softly in my ears while we walked up to the officiant.

And of course our officiant could be none other than....

Nathan Ryan Brown.

Nate, gave me two thumbs up when we came to a stop in front of him before he immediately went into his serious mode.

His fake assistantWhere stories live. Discover now