Chapter 34

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------------------------------AUTHOR'S NOTE------------------------------

Hello there. I'm sorry for not writing or updating in a while. I've been writing my story though while I wasn't on here. So, I hope you've been enjoying the story. That's all I really have to say. Again, sorry, and thank you for waiting.

------------------------------NOW TO THE STORY------------------------------


Then I hear footsteps come into my room and see Jeremy standing there, just staring at me.

 “Uh, are you going to say anything?” I question him.

“Oh, sorry,” he says, “I was supposed to come in here and tell you something, but when I walked in here, my mind totally went blank.”

“Yeah, okay,” I say, acting like I believed his excuse of why he was actually here.

“Okay, fine, you got me,” he tells me, “I came here to…”


"To... what?" I inquire.

" I came in here to give you your birthday gift," Jeremy tells me.

"Okay," I say, "is it one I can't open up in front of everyone?"

"Uh, maybe," he says.

"Then we can worry about that later," I tell him, "lets just get back downstairs before everyone comes up here to get us."

"Fine, but before we go," he says, as he comes closer to me as I get off my bed.

He kisses me gently and softly. It was a very nice kiss, but we are forced to let go as we hear our names being called from downstairs.

"Okay, we'll be right there," I yell out.

Then I kiss Jeremy again before grabbing his hand to head downstairs to finish up the rest of the games.

Once we do, we see everyone staring at us like we were some piece of art. I was feeling very intimidated at the moment and feeling like I had something on my face. I bet Jeremy was feeling the same way. I was also feeling like they were intruding in some way. I don't know how to describe it, but they were.

"Uh, sorry to keep you all waiting," I announce to everyone.

"Oh, no problem, dear," my aunt tells me.

"Thanks," I tell her.

"No problem," she says.

"Okay, now that everyone is here, we can get to this next game," my father announces, "and that game is: Who is Who."

"Uh, how does this game work exactly?" Jacob asks.

"Well, first of all, there will be three rounds," my dad explains, "for the game, we will each have a piece of paper. Then you'll rip a piece of it and write down something that some people know or write down something that will have to make people think about it. After that, we will all place it in a hat and we will pass a hat around so we can place our piece of paper in the hat. Once we are all done with that, we will pass it out again, but this time, we will pick out a piece of paper and then we’ll eventually read them and everyone will have a chance to guess who so, that means someone will have to be keeping track of the points. Also, if you pick out your own paper, put it back and try again.”

"So, that'll continue for the next few rounds?" Jacob asks.

"Yes, but instead of just one piece of paper for each round, we'll do three," my dad says, "and if you guess the wrong person, it'll go to the next person so they can try and guess who the person is."

The Good and the Bad Conflicts in My Life {On Hold}Where stories live. Discover now