Chapter 3

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After having dinner, Chris came into my room to see why I was feeling the way I was.

"Are you okay, sis?" Chris worriedly asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine Chris, don't worry about me," I tell him.

"Are you sure?" he asks."Remember what mom said--," I started saying.

At the same time, we say, "--Always worry about yourself."

"Okay, well, good-night, Ashley," Chris says as he hugs me.

"Good-night, love you," I say to him.

 "Love you, too," Chris says to me and he then leaves my room out of my sight.


It was a crazy night. I kept thinking about what happened about four hours before; "I said, 'what did you say?'" and then smack. It was a scary thought, too. Once I got ready to go to bed, I went and slipped under my covers, and fell asleep. I didn't have a really good night sleep. I had the worst dream ever. And this is what it was about:

I was walking out of the school and got into the car. My mom was driving the car. It was a great ride home, until were stopped by somebody. My mom went out to see who it was, and BAM. I ran outside to see the commotion. I saw my mom on the ground and not moving at all. Then all of a sudden, my dad came running over to me and telling me that Mom was dead. After that, we were at home arguing and my dad slapped me over and over again. I ran into my room after that to get away from him, but he kept coming back to get me for more.

The next morning, I woke up with tears in my eyes. I was scared. I wish Mom were here to comfort me, I thought. I just couldn't stop thinking about it at all.

When I got to school, my friend Leslie came running towards me and hugged me tight. That was an unusual thing for her to do. She's not really the hugging type.

I ask, "What's with the hug?"

"Didn't you hear?" Leslie asks me excitedly.

"Hear what?" I wondered.

"Come with me," she tells me, "and Jeremy will tell you the news." I wondered what the news was and why everyone, that I walked by, seemed so happy. Once we caught up to Jeremy, he told me the news.

"Oh, hey, Ashley, guess what?" he asks me.

"Guess what?" I ask, " just tell me the fuckin' news already."

"Okay, okay," he says with his hands in the air in front of his chest," I broke up with Shelly today."

"What?" I ask, surprised, "no way."

"Yes way," Leslie and Jeremy say at the same time. I was really stunned that he had done that and I wondered why he was so stupid of not doing it earlier. I am so glad that I don't have to see another part of that slut ever again. Well, she might come around and beg for Jeremy back or come to start a fight with me and Leslie or something, but that's pretty much it for whenever I see that bitch again.

When school was over, Jeremy and Leslie came over to me while I was walking home. I usually do that, because I don't really want to ride the bus in the afternoon sometimes, and I'm not too far from home anyways. I'm only about a mile and a half or so away and I like walking sometimes when I feel like it.

"Hey, Ashley!" they scream.

"Yeah, what is it?" I question.

"We were wondering if you wanted to celebrate Jeremy's break-up," Leslie tells me.

"Um, I don't know, I really just need to go home now," I say a bit nervously. Then I started walking faster than I normally do.

"Hey, wait up!" Jeremy shouts out.

"What?" I ask.

"What the fuck is your problem, Ash?" Jeremy asks me. Ash is a nick name that Jeremy came up with; a few days after we first met.

"Yeah, what is your fuckin' problem?" Leslie asks in agreement.

"It's nothing... really... it isn't," I say, hesitantly.

"Yes it is, Ashley!" Leslie yells.

"I don't want to talk about it, okay?" I tell him. Why are they so worried about what's wrong with me?, I thought to myself.

"Well, why not?"Jeremy questioned me.

"Because it seems too personal to tell you guys about it," I tell them.

"Why can't you just tell us what it is?" Leslie asks, " I tell you guys pretty much everything that goes on in my life, especially you, Ashley, like what shit goes on at home or what happens to me during the classes I'm in."

"Fine, I will tell, if you don't tell anyone else or call to tell somebody," I demanded.

"Okay," they both say at the same time. After explaining about what had happened in the afternoon yesterday, they ask if I was okay or not. Then we leave to go celebrate Jeremy's break-up.


Once we had finished celebrating it at "Freddie's Place", we went to Jeremy's house to hang out. After getting inside, we went up in his room to chat.

"So, how was everybody's day?" I ask.

"For me, it was okay," Jeremy answers quickly.

"Okay, how about you, Leslie?" I ask her.

"It was good," she says, "but what about you?"

"It was a bit of fun, but it was crappy, too," I say.

"Jeremy asks, "Is there anything that anybody wants to do right now?"

"Um, what is there for us to do?" I questioned him.

"I could call one of my other friends and we could play spin the bottle," Jeremy suggested. Shockingly, we agreed to his suggestion.

Once his friend, Matt Louis, came over, we started playing the game in the living room. It started out well. We didn't do any kissing or anything of that sort. Well, it started out that way, until Leslie said that we should, because it would heat things up for everybody. So, we did. I thought, why would she want to do this? And, would it be, because of me and Jeremy or her just liking Matt?

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