Chapter 8

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"No problem, anytime," he replies back with. After leaving the restaurant, we decided to go over to Leslie's place to hang out, but before doing so, I wanted to call her to see if she wanted some company over. I called her, but it went straight to voicemail.


"That's weird, she doesn't usuallly do this," I say.

"Do what?" Jeremy asks me.

"Not answer the phone," I tell him

"Oh, okay," he says.

"I'll try again," I tell him. So, I tried again about two more times and it still went to voicemail. "I wonder what's up with her," I say. I think for a moment or two. I had a bad feeling about this situation, but then I thought better thoughts about it.

"Let's go to her house to see what's up," I suggest.

He agreed by saying, "Okay, let's go." Then we left to go to her house.

Once we got to Leslie's place, we knocked on the door and nobody answered. I wonder if her and her family went on a trip or something, I thought. I knock on the door again and then I rang the doorbell, and still nobody was answering. Then I came up with a plan and told Jeremy.

"Okay, so you'll go around back and check all the windows," I tell him, "then if you see something, yell for me and I will do the same if I see something."

"Okay, ma'am, will do," Jeremy says jokingly while saluting.

"Stop that," I demanded.

"Okay, I'm sorry," he says.

"It's okay," I reply back to him. After that, we got into our positions and checked through the windows of the house. Then all of a sudden, I hear a bang, I thought, what the hell was that? But it wasn't a bang from a gun, but from something probably being thrown in the house. I ran over to where Jeremy was and asked him about it.

"Did you hear that?" I ask him.

"Yeah," he replies with, "and it was loud, too." Then we went to the front door and tried opening it, but it wouldn't budge. I then remembered that Leslie's mom or dad would leave a spare house key under the mat. So then, I lifted up the mat and the key wasn't there. I was really stumped now.

"Is there anywhere else they would keep the key?" Jeremy asks me.

"I wouldn't think they would, unless..." I say while thinking of where the key would be.

"Unless what?" he asks me.

"Unless, it's in one of these plant pots," I say.

"Let's look then," he says.

"Okay," I say, agreeing with him. After saying that, we started looking in the pots. I guess you can say that we "got our hands dirty," which we did.

"Where the hell would that fuckin' key be?" I ask myself out loud.

"I don't know, but let's try the back door," Jeremy suggests. I thought, what kind of idea is that? Afterwards, I thought it was a good idea, and when we got to the door, Jeremy opened it, and we were able to get inside the house. In a way, it felt like we were invading, but then it was, this is Leslie's house so, I'm allowed in. Once we were inside, we checked the first floor of the house, and nothing looked out of place. After that, we went upstairs and we looked up there, and saw a strange figure in the house, but Leslie and her family weren't here anywhere. Then all of a sudden, I hear a scream coming from one of the rooms.

I tell Jeremy, "Go see where that was coming from and I'll check the rest of the area."

"NO!" he yells, "I will not let you do that, I will do it!"

"Shh," I tell him in a whisper," keep your voice down." We then hear footsteps coming towards us and so, we had to hide somewhere, quick. While we were trying to find a spot to hide, the footsteps stopped. Then we hear some more screaming. So, we decided to go towards the scream. Once we got to where the screaming was, I was really worried now.

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