Chapter 1

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Hi, I'm Ashley Raymore, and I am here to tell you something important, but for now, you'll have to start from the beginning.

I am fifteen years old and I live in a small little town called Auburn, Kentucky. I am a sophmore at a school called Auburn High school and I am a tiger. I know, not really a great name for a school, but a great mascot. Anyway, it has been great living here. Well, it was great until my mother died. She had died on October 10, 2010, of a heart attack, but that's what the doctors say. I believe it was something more than some little heart attack. So, I've been living with my dad and my little brother, Chris, whose thirteen years old.

Today was like any other day, like making my bed and eating breakfast, and after that I would have to do my chores, which is really gross and not my type of thing to do, then I would have dinner with my dad and Chris, and that's pretty much how my usual days go with school in between. Oh school, such a magical place away from this dump that I call home, I thought. To me, school is very special, because one, it lets me get away once in a while, and two, its mostly, because of my friends, Leslie Hacker and Jeremy Lumber. I really wish that my friends were here with me right now, especially Leslie.

Leslie is always the one there for me when I'm down and need some cheering up, and Jeremy, he's always too busy with his girlfriend, Shelly Matters. Ugh, I just can't stand her at all. She thinks that she can get what she wants whenever she "cries" to Jeremy about something silly, or something that didn't really happen. Although he spends time with her, he would always rather spend time with me so he can get away from that witch. Well, that's what I think whenever he seems like he wants to get away from something. Yeah, I guess you can say that I might like him, but I don't like more than a friend really. I used to, but once Shelly came into his life, I would say to myself, it was just some little crush, I never had real feelings for him.


The next day was a Monday, September 16, 2013, the worst day of the week ever, but I am just glad that the weekend was over and glad that I can get away for about six to eight hours. I love my dad and all, but he's changed ever since mom passed away. It was a tragic day for all of us. My mom was like a mentor to me. She worked as a cook at a little restaurant called, "Freddie's Place." To me, they had the best burgers, soup, tacos, and anything else that they served, and that's because my mom was a great cook.

Anyways, I was on my way to the bus stop, but as I walking, I walk pass the restaurant. I stop for a while. I didn't want to leave my spot or I would feel sad or depressed for not staying long enough. It's always a feeling I have inside myself. After I stop looking at the place, I continue walking, but then a car pulls up beside me.

"Hey, Ashley," says Leslie, "want a ride to school?" I didn't want to say no so, I decide to hitch a ride from Leslie to school. Once we got there, we stop and talk for a little bit, until Jeremy came over to say hi to us.

"Hey, guys, how's it going?" Jeremy asks.

"I'm good," Leslie says. I sat there in a quiet, little trance, and when I was about to say, "I'm fine, how about you?" Shelly came and interrupted me.

"Hey losers," Shelly says, "and Jeremy, I need to talk to you about something."

"Oh, hey, Shelly, how's it hanging?" I say, annoyingly friendly like, but this is really what I wanted to say, "Oh, I'm fine, but how's that little brain of yours doing, cause I think you are messing with the wrong bitches here". Then Shelly would've said some stupid ass comeback and this is what I would've wanted Leslie to say, "Well, if you want to tussle, we can go right here, right now, unless you're too much of a big asshole to do that shit". Then, in the end, Shelly would've ended up with a black eye, a bloody nose, and maybe a bruised leg, but it was too good to be true.

"Well, I guess I'll see you guys later," Jeremy says, sadly.

"Okay, well, bye," I say to him. It was kind of sad to see him go with that bitch, but it was his choice to be with her. Anyways, Leslie and I go to our forty-five-minute classes until lunch came.

When lunch time came, I got a salad and water and Leslie got a chicken sandwich and lemonade. While we were eating our lunch, we talked about how boring some classes were and how this class has some stupid class rules and things like that. Then Jeremy and Shelly came by to see what we were up to.

"Hey, ladies, what's up?" Jeremy asked us. I thought what a dork you can be when you say hi to us sometimes.

"Good," Leslie says.

"I'm good as well," I say.

Then Shelly says, "You ready to go, Jeremy? I really don't want to hang with these losers anymore."

"Is there anything better you can call us besides 'losers'?" I ask her.

The Good and the Bad Conflicts in My Life {On Hold}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora