Chapter 9

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The first person I saw in there was, Leslie, and then her little sister, Sarah, who is the same age as Chris. I wanted to run in there and save them both, but there was somebody in there keeping them captive. I felt really scared for both of them.

"We need to get in there somehow, without being caught," I whisper to Jeremy.

"Well, if we run in there, we'll get caught for sure," he thought out loud.

"I know that," I say.

"Maybe one of us can distract him or her from downstairs, while the other one runs inside to get them out of there," Jeremy suggests.

"That might be a good idea," I tell him, "but when are we going to call the cops?"

"Well, thanks, and I don't know when we'll do that," he says.

"So, let's get--," I start saying before getting cut off by the footsteps that we heard earlier. "Before doing anything, I think we should hide first," I say, panicked.

"Okay, let's go," Jeremy says, with a little bit of panic in his voice. Once we found a hiding spot, we felt very relieved. It felt kind of nice being alone with him in a coat closet, but I had to worry about the situation we were in though.

"Do you hear anybody out there anymore?" I ask.

"Nope, not that I hear," he tells me. Jeremy then slightly opens the door to make sure the coast was clear. After that, he says, "Let's go, but hurry."

"Okay," I say in agreement. Once we got to where we wanted to be, we snuck into the room where Leslie and Sarah were.

"Ashley, Jeremy!" Leslie calls out, "I am so glad you guys are here."

"Well, we don't have much time," Jeremy states, "so, we need to go now." But before we did anything, we heard footsteps coming into the room so, Jeremy and I had to find a place to hide, fast. Then we finally found a place to hide; a closet. That figures, I thought. While we were in there, we heard a disturbing voice.

"Who were you talking to?" the strange woman asks.

"I was talking to my sister!" Leslie shouts at her.

Leslie then gets smacked by the woman and she then demands, "Don't you yell at me like that again."

"Why would I listen to you, huh?" she asks, with some sass in her voice.

"Don't you dare speak to me that way," she demands, and then she smacks Leslie again.

"Why are you even doing this to us?" Leslie asks," we didn't do anything to you, and plus, we don't even know you."

"Well, I have my reasons, you got that you little piece of shit," the mysterious woman says.

"You're the one who's the shit and the bitch," Leslie says, but it seemed like she felt bad for saying that in front of Sarah by the facial expression she had. Yea, I am in the closet that has the slits in them so I can see what they are doing.

"What the hell did you just say to me, bitch?" the lady asks, demandingly.

"You heard me, you slut," Leslie says.

"Didn't your parents teach you how to not call people names?" she asks.

"I guess they didn't teach me not to call people, or bitches, like you, names," Leslie says proudly with a smile.

"You know, you are really getting on my nerves now," she says.

"Awwwww, is the little slut princess, getting really agitated now?" Leslie asks, teasing her.

"Sam, are you almost done in there?" she asks another stranger, that was in another room, as she looked really pissed off.

"Yeah, I am almost done," Sam says back.

"Is that your guy friend or something?" Leslie asks.

"Are you almost done?" the lady asks again, ignoring Leslie's question.

After that, Sam appears in the room. Leslie had a "nevermind" face, once she saw that Sam wasn't a guy after all.

"I'm all done getting all the stuff that you asked me to get Martha," she tells her.

"Okay, thank you," Martha says, while motioning Sam closer to her.Then without expecting it, they kiss, and passionately, too. It was gross to watch. Although I have nothing against homosexuals, it just seemed like they were trying to do that on prupose. I also saw that Sarah's eyes were closed while her head was turned against the wall. After they finished kissing, which felt like forever, Martha says, "We'll be in the other room, okay?"

Leslie ignored her, but Sarah says, "Okay."

After they left, Jeremy and I came out of the closet.

"Thank goodness that's over," I say.

"I know, right," Leslie agreed.

"Well, we better untie you guys," Jeremy says, "before any of them come back."

The three of us nod our heads. Then while we were getting Sarah untied, Sam came back into the room.

"What are you bit--." she tries to say, but Jeremy ran over to her and kissed her to distract her. Then once we got Sarah untied, I signaled Jeremy that he could stop, and he did, thankfully. After that, Leslie called the cops.

The last thing that she says, before hanging up, was, "...And please hurry." It was almost like a dramatic scene had happened in front of me.

"You okay, Leslie?" I ask her. She didn't answer me. So then, I ask her sister, Sarah, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," she replies, "aren't you going to answer, Leslie?"

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine," she says with a sad tone in her voice.

After the police got there, they arrested the women for robbery and assault. If felt good for being a hero, well, almost.

Then Sergeant Masters came over to me and Jeremy, and asks, "Are you two alright?"

"Yes, we are, but it was mostly Leslie and Sarah who had it bad," I tell him.

"Yeah, I'm alright, too, sir," Jeremy says.

"Okay, thanks, I'll go talk to them," he says before he left.

"No problem," I say.

While he was walking over there, I saw the distraught of Leslie's mom and dad, but while I think about that, I thought how complete their family is, and how mine isn't. I started tearing up. I turned around, because I didn't want Jeremy to see me this way. I started walking away, but he caught up to me and saw that I was crying. He turned his head towards Leslie's family and hugged me. I think he knew why I was all teared up.

He then whispers, "It's okay, you're fine, I got you." I hugged him tighter. "Do you want me to take you home then?" he asks. I nodded.

Once I got home, Jeremy walked me inside. He put me on the couch and let my dad know what happened. I noticed my dad nodding his head like, thank you or thanks for letting me know so, you can stay and comfort Ashley. I can usually tell what he means by the nod of his head sometimes. In the end, Jeremy did stay to comfort me, but he had to call his mom to let her know that he wasn't going to be home for the night and told her where he was, too.


Later that night, Jeremy and I were silent, but he then asks me, "How are you doing?"

"I'm fine," I reply back to him.

"So, do you want to go to sleep?" he asks me.

"Yeah, that would be nice, " I say, "but wouldn't my dad disapprove of you sleeping in bed with me?"

"No, I don't think he would," he replies with, while having a smile on his face. After talking for a while longer, we both finally fall asleep, until morning came.

The Good and the Bad Conflicts in My Life {On Hold}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon