Chapter 15

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After the quiet and romantic moment, Jeremy had to get changed, but he didn't bring any extra pair of clothes to change into. So, I told him he can borrow my dad's clothes, until we went over to his place to pick some up today. Once he was done, we decide to eat some brunch. While we were eating, I look at him and thought that he was very handsome. As I was staring, I think caught me looking at him. After brunch, we head over to his house so he could get some extra clothes to bring over for tonight

Once he was done getting clothes packed and hanging out for a while, we decide to go over to Leslie's house.

While we were driving, we weren't really talking. It was a very awkward moment, but to me, it seemed alright. Then I turn the radio on to break the silence. After turning on the radio, Jeremy turns into the driveway. As we get out of the car, Leslie comes running out like she was running away from something that scared the hell out of her. While she was running, she bumps into me and we both fall down, hitting the ground really hard. It hurts like hell. After the fall, Leslie gets up immediately, and as she does, she pulls me up with her. I was feeling terrified with all of  this happening so quickly and all at once. Once she pulls me up, we run as fast as we could to get away from something that Leslie feared.

After running for about, what felt like twenty minutes, but was only ten minutes, we stop. I felt like that was my first time almost running as fast as a cheetah. After catching our breath, I had to ask her what was going on.

"Leslie, why were you running out of your house like some scared, little girl?" I ask her.

"I-something-I mean someone was coming after me," she tells me while being a bit panicky and shaken up.

After Leslie says that, she starts tearing up. I felt bad for her. It seemed like a lot of dangerous, but interesting stuff was happening to her at her house, while at my house, nothing exciting happens. To make Leslie feel better, I comfort her by hugging her really tight.

While I was hugging her, I ask, "Who was chasing after you?"

"It was my ex-boyfriend, Zack," she tells me.

"Zack?" I question her, "Zack Woods?"

"Yes," she says, disappointedly.

I had to think about the name for a moment and then I realize that it was my ex-boyfriend, Brad Shackler's, friend that I apparently had an affair with.

"Wasn't he the one that took me into his bedroom at his Halloween party?" I ask her.

"Yeah, I believe so," she tells me, "but I wasn't at the party though and I think you told me about that."

"Oh, yeah, I did," I say, "but what are we going to do about Jeremy?"

And as I say that, Jeremy comes running over towards us. 

"Run!" Jeremy yells.

Then once he tells us that, we run as fast as we could, but as I was running, I trip over a crack in the sidewalk. Jeremy or Leslie didn't see me, because they were way ahead of me. I was trying to get back up, but as I do that, Zack catches up to me and picks me up, and carries me back to Leslie's house. I scream as loud as I can, but that doesn't help me much, because Leslie and Jeremy didn't come back to help me get away from Zack.

"Let me go!" I yell out loud.

"Mmm...I don't think I will," he whispers to me in my right ear, "I think you will make it a better night for me than Leslie would have."

When he says that, I get scared out of my mind. I wonder about what was going to happen to me and I thought that he was probably going to rape me or something, but I wasn't sure until it was proven.

"What are  you going to do me?" I ask him, while trying to get free from him.

"You'll see," he says, in some flirty way.

I get really scared now. I want Jeremy to come and get me away from this creep, but from the looks of it, that wasn't going to happen any time soon. I just wish they notice that I'm gone before it's too late.

After getting back to Leslie's house, Zack scrounges around the house, trying to find something to shut me up with. Then once he does, he places it over my mouth. As soon as he does, I black out and don't know what's happening with me. I then feel as though I bumped my head on something hard, like steal or metal from a car.

A few hours later, I wake up in a bed. As I wake up, I notice that I seem to be in a stripper's bra and thong, which then I start disliking the thong, because it's hurting my butt crack. I thought it was a dream, but then I realize it wasn't. After that, I start freaking out about it, but as I do, there were chains on my wrists and ankles. I wanted this to be a dream more than a reality, because I was really scared of what was going to happen next. As I was struggling to get loose, Zack comes into the room.

"Hello, Ashley," he says, in a creepy way, "how are you doing?"

"Let me go and I'll show you how I'm doing!" I scream.

"Well, well, well, aren't we feisty?" Zack says. I really wanted to kill him so much, but I knew if I actually did, I would get in trouble for it, unless they call it, "self-defense," because he kidnapped me and who knows what else. "Do you know why I decided to choose you instead of Leslie?" he asks me.

"No," I tell him, "why?"

"I took you instead of Leslie, because we didn't get to finish what we started, because of Brad coming into the room, interrupting us," he tells me. I just stare him, not saying a word. "Now," he begins with, "do you have an idea on what I am going to do to you?"

I gulp and say, "No, I have no idea on what you are going to be doing to me."

"Well, that's good," he says, "because now, it will be a surprise to you."

Then he comes over to me and I notice that he has something in his hands.

"What is that in--," I start saying, but was interrupted by Zack.

"What is this in my hand?" he says, kind of finishing my question for me. I nod my head. "Well, this something for us to use for protection," he tells me, "so, when we know what I mean."

Then he puts the condom on, because I figured if he was going to rape me, he didn't want to get me pregnant with his baby. After doing that, he comes on the bed. He feels my legs very slowly and it feels good, but I didn't want to say that to him, but it was true. But, before he does anything else, he loosens the chains of my wrists a little bit so they weren't as tight. Once he's done, he touches my legs again. It was really horrible and the next thing he did was something that I really didn't want to do with him again.

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