Chapter 19

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"Morning," I reply back to him. After I say that, we both get out of bed and start getting dressed. As we do so, we kept looking back at each other and smiling. I felt like I was in paradise and that nothing could stop that. "I love you, Jeremy," I tell him, as I hug him tightly.

"I love you, too, Ashley," he tells me, "I love you, too."


Once we were both dressed, I look at the time and it was about six o'clock in the morning. Then I go over to the radio and turn it off. As soon as I finish that,  I go downstairs to go start making breakfast, with Jeremy following right behind me. As we are heading downstairs, I see my brother heading for the front door. I run over there to ask him what he was doing.

"What are you doing Chris?" I ask him, sternly.

"I'm going out to see... my friends," he tells me, while being hesitant.

"Um... I'm sorry, but I didn't give you permission to go anywhere!" I yell out.

"Why are you yelling at me like I did something wrong?" he asks me with a loud voice.

"I'm sorry, it's just that--," I start saying, before I start crying. I run out of there and head up to my room. Before going to my room, I stay by the railing, but to where Jeremy and Chris couldn't see me. I then notice Jeremy go over to Chris about what just happened. I am still crying, but I know I am overdoing it.

"Chris, do you know what happened to your sister last night?" he asks my brother.

"Yeah," Chris says to him, "why?"

"Your-- Ashley, doesn't want you to see you get hurt like she did last night," he tells Chris, "now, do you want a creep, like the one that raped your sister, coming to do it to you?"

"No, I guess not, but--," Chris says.

"She just wants to make sure that you are safe and wants to know where you are going to be," Jeremy interrupts, "that's all."

After he says that, Chris looks up and I think he notices me, but he doesn't. I leave to go into my room and don't hear anything else. I close my bedroom door to get some privacy, before anybody comes into my room to see if I was fine. I lay down on my bed, upset, but not like I was before. Then, after a minute or two, I hear footsteps coming towards my room. I get scared, because I think it's Zack coming to rape me again, but then I tell myself that he's in custody and wasn't getting out anytime soon. After that scare, they knock on my door.

"Come in," I tell them. I hear my door open, and instead of Jeremy walking in, it's Chris. "What are you doing here?" I ask him, calmly.

"I came to apologize to you," he tells me.

"Okay," I say, "go on then."

"I'm sorry for making you upset," he says to me, "and I know--"

"It's okay," I tell him, as I interrupt him, "you don't need to explain."

"Okay," he says, as he came over to give me a hug.

It was nice getting an apology. I don't have anything else to say to him so; I motion him that he could leave. While he was leaving, I went over to tell him something.

"Okay, you can go, but Jeremy and I get to drive you there," I tell Chris.

"Okay," he says.

"So, where is it that you need to go to?" I ask him.

"I have school today," Chris tells me, "remember? I don't have it off like you do."

With him telling me this information, I realize that it was Monday.

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