Chapter 17

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------------------------------Author's Note---------------------------

Hey guys, sorry for not posting or updating anything in a while, but today is the day I do post something for you and don't worry, I have a three day weekened, so hopefully I can get more chapters done for you guys. I hope you do like the chapter I will be posting today and will continue on reading this. I think you guys will like it. Please, vote, like it, and share it if you will. Thank you :-)



"Yeah, thankfully, I did," she tells me.

After getting the spare clothes on that Leslie brought me, I playfully slap Jeremy, because he was still staring at me and slapping him seemed to do the trick.

On the way to Leslie's house, they ask me a bunch of questions and I was able to answer most of them. I really was uncomfortable on telling them. I don't think any of them noticed, until Jeremy looked at me. After that, he put his arm around my neck and on my right shoulder. It was nice having him touch me like that again. When we were almost there, Jeremy tells  her that my dad was on a business trip for two weeks. I really wished that he hadn't done that.


Once we got to Leslie's house, Jeremy and I got back into his car. As we do that, we say our good-byes to Leslie.

After getting back to my house, Jeremy kisses me on the cheek and tells me that he will be right back since he needed to pick up a bag of clothes at home. I really didn't want him to leave me alone for one split second, but he had to go. So, I kiss him on the cheek and tell him good-bye. As he was leaving, I ran inside my house, because I didn't want to stay outside any longer. Once I was inside, I hear the TV on in the living room. I get really scared before getting in there, but I tip-toe in towards the room. Then I realize that it is only my brother.

"Oh, hey, Chris," I say to him, after having a sigh of relief.

"Hey, Ash," he says to me, "what's wrong with you?"

As he asks that, I go over to him and sit down next to him. I didn't want to answer him, so as I was in silence, I take the remote from off the coffee table and change it to the news channel, to see what happend to me was a big news story.

Once I see that my story made it to the news, I tell Chris, "There, that's what happened to me."

"Oh, are you okay?" he asks me, as a reporter on the TV was talking about what happened to me.

"Yeah, I am, " I tell him, while having a tear go down my face, "just be careful out there. I don't want to see you get hurt like..."

I stop talking at that moment, because the experience just kept replaying in my head like a non-stop, looping video. 

"Like what?" Chris asks, taking me away from my horrendous thoughts. 

"Oh, sorry, I wanted to say that I didn't want you to get hurt like I was," I tell him.

"Okay, sis, I will," Chris agrees, as he hugs me tight.

"Hey, uh... so, who dropped you off?" I ask him, questionably.

"Kyle's mom," he tells me, "why?"

"I was just curious," I tell him, "and did you get my text about dad?"

"Yeah, I did," he says to me, "and wasn't there something else you needed to tell me."

"No, I don't think so," I say, as I nod my head no, "oh wait, now I remember."

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