Chapter 4

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Leslie started out with the bottle first.

"Let's see who it lands on," Leslie says. It landed on Jeremy. The rules were to either stay in the room and kiss for a minute or go to a separate room, and kiss there for probably three or more minutes. They decided to stay, well, most likely to see if I would get jealous of them kissing, since I used to like Jeremy.

After they were done kissing, Leslie says, teasing me, "That was nice." She was starting to piss me off and she actually got me a little bit jealous of her kissing Jeremy. "Okay, your turn, Jeremy," she tells him.

"Okay," Jeremy says, cheerfully. Then he spun the bottle and it landed on, me. I was kind of excited to actually kiss him, but then I was still mad at Leslie for making this happen.

"Do you want to kiss here or someplace else?" Jeremy asks me. I had to think about it for a little bit before answering.

" else," I say, hesitantly.

"Where would you like to go?" he asks.

"Um, I don't know, your room I guess," I say to him. Then we left to go to his room. Once we were there, we sat on his bed. We didn't sit too close together, but then after a while, we scooted closer to each other.

"So..." I say.

"So..." he says. I sat there waiting for him to start leaning in, but I didn't want to wait anymore. So once I started leaning in, he did, too. Then right at that moment, our lips touched. It was a nice, long, pleasant kiss. I didn't want to stop at all, but once we did, I was exhilarated that we got to finally kiss.

"That was nice," I state.

"Yeah it was," Jeremy says back to me. After that, we did it again, but not for that long. Then we went downstairs to go continue the game, but by the time we came back, Leslie and Matt were nowhere in sight. After that, I got out my phone and I saw that I had gotten a text from Leslie, and it read:

Hey, how's it goin'? Sorry that I HAD to leave, along with Matt, to leave you two alone for a while and I WAS trying to make you jealous of me and Jeremy, while we were kissing earlier. Text me ALL the details, please. :-)

Then I put my phone away in my pocket.

After that, Jeremy asks me, "Hey, since Leslie and Matt are gone, do you want to watch a movie?

"I don't know, it's kind of getting late," I state. There was an awkward pause after I said that to him. I thought that he was disappointed in me for saying, "no".

"Oh, well, okay," he says, disappointedly. After that, we walked out to the porch and were telling each other good-bye and goodnight. 

"Well, see you tomorrow, Jer," I say to him. That's what I call him sometimes to cheer him up a little when he's down or disappointed.

"Okay, Ash, will do," Jeremy replies with. After walking about ten footsteps from his house, he asks, "Hey, would you like a ride home?"

"Sure, that would be nice," I say to him.

While we were driving to my house, we talked about all the stuff we used to do when we were little. We were either together or it was something we had done on our own. We met in the third grade, but it feels like we met way before that. This is great, but now I'm thinking that he's starting to flirt with me, unless he's acting like that and doesn't know that he's actually flirting with me, I thought. Once we were in the driveway, we both got out of the truck and Jeremy walks me up to the door.

Before we did anything, like talking, I checked to make sure that the coast was clear. Once I told him everything checked out, we sat on the porch and talked for a little bit.

"So..." Jeremy says.

"So, thanks for the ride, Jer," I tell him, "I enjoyed it."

"Well, I'm glad you did," he tells me, "I was making sure you did have a nice time." Awwwww, that was so sweet of him, I thought. I never thought that he would actually do that for me, since he was with that bitch, Shelly.

"That was sweet of you," I say to Jeremy.

"Well, whatever to make you happy," Jeremy says. The next thing I knew, we were kissing each other. It was nice, but it didn't last long as I would've wanted it to, but he had to leave. So, I kissed him on the cheek and told him good-bye, and goodnight. By the time he was out of the driveway, I checked my phone to see what time it was, and it was close to midnight. So then I went inside and got pajamas on, brushed teeth, and did my hair. Once I was done with that, I slipped into my comfortable bed. I had a nice, eight hour sleep and the best dream ever. This is what it was about:

I woke up in a living room, but it wasn't my living room, it was Jeremy's. I was lying on his chest. I asked him how I got there. He told me that I stayed there the whole night. Then I asked him why I stayed there. He then told me that I stayed there, because of the kiss we had. For some reason, I told him, "I love you." Then he said, "I love you, too." Then it was night. We were going out on a date and I was in a nice dress, but I couldn't tell what kind it was. Then all of a sudden, it was the future with Jeremy and I married. We had four kids; two little boys and two little girls.

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