why does sugar tastes sweet?

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Getting over with things that hurt you is a hard task. But trying to forget things that made you happy is even harder. Why does sugar tastes sweet? It feels like the pain was embroidered in your heart and every move makes your wounds bleed. It feels like the betrayals are tattoed in your mind that you started to doubt people. That you started to fear them.  And that fear seems to cover your whole body that you had to build walls around you to protect yourself from fraud promises. You can not think of anything else because your heart has frozen. And weeping in silence is all you could do until your eyes are tired enough to shed tears.

Yes, people are people. They will change their mind. They will turn their back. But, you are YOU! You may bleed but you are not week. You are wounded but not damaged. And start looking on the brighter side. People who leave don't fit in the spaces of your life because they are not the right ones for you.

Remember this, you are reserved for someone better. Reserved for someone who can not give you a perfect world but will make you feel like you are perfect.

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