the lady in the dark

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She is a book
Every words written on the stained sheet are shouting her pain
Her pages still waiting to be flipped,
Wanting to be read

Her cries,
An unheard lullabye
Her heart,
A shattered relic
Her mind,
An unexplored wonder

For a long time, she remained uncured
Your name has become her poison
The love you made her believe has become her death
The wounds are eating the flesh of her sanity
Breaking every bits
Pulvurizing into dust
Her wreckage was your happiness
Her tears were your prize
Her broken heart was your trophy
You're fine while she dies

And behind her high-built walls
She sat on a corner of her dark room
No words come out of her mouth
But tears keep streaming off her tired eyes

Silence. . .
The pain has encompassed her whole being

Sadness. . .
Her felicity is now slowly fading

And in the darkness,
She knew she was lost
Yet she kept wandering
She kept probing

Her heart is like a moonless night
Black and lifeless

She has become the lady in the dark
And she will never be found

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