crazy little thing

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It  is sweet and bitter
It tasted like candy then tasted like aspirin
It is a paradox and an irony
It is something that stays even when you wanted it to be gone

Everyone wants this
But not all can have
Some throws this away,
Trumpling it on the ground
Some craves for it
Yearns for it like a child
Ask for it like a mendicant

It cures a wounded soul
It provides warmth and shelter
But it can give you madness
An excruciating pain in the heart

It could be a vein that will hold you on the neck
Or wings that lift you up above
Or the iron bars that would imprison you
Or the key to set you free
It could be a crayon to paint your world
Or an eraser to remove your blooms
It could be something that sips through every slits
Even an indelible ink that would stain your soul and heart

It could be anything,
But what is it again?

It is the crazy little thing called "LOVE"

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