a fairytale that never happened

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True love...
I believed in those as a kid
I once believed
I dreamt of becoming a princess and meeting my prince
But now I'm all grown up
Pain and bitterness washed up my hopes and dreams

The reality.
Reality that this town is not where we'll met in the sweetest destiny-swept way
There will be no magical kiss to wake me up in a deep sleep
I'm just cursed
But not a princess
There will be no fairy godmother to dress me up with a beautiful glass slippers
There will be no royal ball to meet you
There will be no midnight dance
There will be none

I am a damsel-in-distress
But there will be no knight-in-shining-armor to save me

And this is a story that begins with a once upon a time
But never ended with a happily ever after

A fairytale that never happened. . .

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