Chapter two: Konohagakure

Start from the beginning

If only it were that simple. 

Mai suddenly hugged her mother tightly which caught Tsunade out of guard but nonetheless the woman pushed her away from her legs gently so that she could kneel down and hug her back properly. The little girl enjoyed that moment more than anything. It held such a warmth, a warmth she had never felt before. It was the first time her mother had given her that kind of hug, or rather a hug at all. A real hug. She wished it would last forever and didn't want to let go at first but now that she knew her mother had promised to come back soon to her she was sure she would be given plenty more hugs like that. 

So she eventually let go as her mother smiled softly at her, and turned her attention back to Jiraiya. After all, she had not forgotten that she was eager to discover the village and the people living in it, though she dreaded a bit to be face to face with unknown people. As she wasn't used to that at all, she always felt ill at ease, just like with Jiraiya the first time. Well now, she wasn't completely outgoing with him yet. No, in fact she was still quiet and shy with him because after all she hardly knew him when she thought about it. Even though deep down she was excited because she thought the man was her father but after all that may be the reason why she was so reserved with him.

"Are you ready now little Mai?" Jiraiya asked softly. 

Mai nodded eagerly and was already beginning to walk away as Jiraiya looked at her with a smirk before beginning to walk as well next to her. 

Before the two were too far away for Tsunade to see them they stopped in their tracks and turned around. Mai waved goodbye cheerily to her mother one last time while Jiraiya simply gave her a small but confident smile and nodded as a way to tell her everything was going to be alright. 

Tsunade tried her best not to cry. She was going to miss her daughter dearly, no matter what she wanted herself to believe. 


Jiraiya and Mai had already traveled half of the way but it was way too much for Mai's small legs. Of course they had made small but reasonable breaks, at least long enough for Mai to rest, well according to Jiraiya. That's definitely not what Mai thought. She wanted to go on but her legs would not follow. Hence her collapsing on the ground. Fortunately for her Jiraiya noticed it and caught her in time before she could completely collapse on the earth. The man then lifted her up as he was aware that she could no longer stand up to carry her on his broad shoulders. He didn't really have any other choice left anyway. 

Yet, Mai was used to walking since she had already traveled several times with her mother through the Land of Fire. Well, actually her mother would carry her most of the time since she was too little to walk such long distances. So that was pretty understandable. 

Mai would have to work hard on her endurance if she wanted to become a good shinobi. Jiraiya made a mental note to help her with that once they were settled in the village. 

Said girl put her hands around the Sannin's neck and lowered her head, as if ready to fall asleep. 

The walk had been silent and still was though Jiraiya didn't really mind. 

Mai let out a bored sigh as she was constantly wondering when they would finally arrive to that village. The trip seemed to be endless to her. Right now she wished she could do some more medical ninjutsu though she was aware she couldn't. She really hoped she would be able to practise in Konoha. But it would not be the same without her mother. It was their thing. Yes, it was the only real and interesting activity they shared together. Fortunately, her mother would join them soon. 

Jiraiya noticing her boredom remembered he had to explain everything before they arrived. And he thought this was the perfect occasion to do so. 

"Mai. I have a question for you. But it's alright if you don't know the answer. I'm here to explain anyway."

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