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The next morning I woke up with Isabella in my bed. She was fast asleep but cuddled up to one of my arms. My face felt slightly swollen and puffy, as I had cried myself to sleep. But I let go of Bella's arm and rubbed my face. I climbed out of bed and went to the bathroom before going into Bella's empty room. It hadn't been cleaned for a few days so I went round and picked up her dirty washing and cleaned away some of the toys. I made her bed and drew her curtains before lying out her clothes for today on the bed. I went into the boys room to find them both in the bottom bunk watching something on the iPad.

"Hey precious boys. How was your sleep?" I said as I sat down on the end of their bed. 

"Good." They both said simultaneously and I smiled.

"What are you doing on there?" I asked as I moved closer to them.

"We are looking for nice pictures of Daddy so we can get the printed and put them on the wall in the house and in our room." they said as they showed me on the screen. I smiled again and could feel slight tear in my eye. 

"Do you know for Daddy's funeral we have to have some nice pictures of him, so if you find any you think I'll like remember them so we can use them." I told them. They smiled at me before sitting up to hug me. "Shall we go and get some breakfast?" I said and they nodded before both getting up and following me downstairs. I left Bella up there to sleep because she needed it. I made the boys some scrambled egg and bacon for their breakfast and sat with them while the three of us ate. Ollie was excited about seeing Charlie's parents. Theo had never met them but I knew he was happy to see Ollie happy. I soon took the boys upstairs to sort their room out and get them dressed. I cleaned their room while they made their beds. I chose their clothes and then went to my room to find Bella. She was sat on my bed holding the picture that lived on Charlie's bedside table. I sat on the bed beside her,

"What you looking at munchkin?" I said as I put my arm around her.

"I really like this picture of us Mummy." she said.

"This is my favourite picture of us you know, and it was Daddy's. Thats why he kept it by his bed." I told him.

"Are we going to keep it by his bed forever?" She asked.

"We can if you want." I said and she smiled before handing it to me. I put it back in its place on the beside table and then pulled Bella close to me. We lay there for a few minutes before I took Bella to get dressed. I got all of their teeth and hair brushed before taking them downstairs, where Mum and Michelle had arrived to open the pub. 

"Where's Harry?" Mum asked when I reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Still in bed I think." I told her as we went through to the back room. I gave Bella her breakfast, while the boys played on the floor with their cars. Mum made me a cup of tea before her and Michelle sat down at the table with me. We chatted for a bit before they went to open up the bar. I sat down on the floor with the kids and played with them for a while until the doorbell rang. I got up from the floor and went to the back door. I opened it to find Charlie's parents standing at the door. I welcomed them in and hugged them before calling the kids to come and see them. Ollie and Bella didn't have a very close relationship with them in the same way they were close with my Mum and Michelle. But they still loved them and loved to see them. Theo stood shyly behind my leg and after I hugged Charlie's Mum, Lizzie, I picked up Theo and rested him on my hip. 

"Now I have heard all about this little boy. Is this Theo?" Charlie's Dad, Joe said to him as he looked at him. Theo hid shyly as he rested his head on my shoulder.

"Go on Theo, you're not shy. This is Joe, Charlie's Daddy." I said to him as I stroked his cheek. 

"But you can call me Joey." He said and Theo giggled.

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