Will you marry me?

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The next week we had another dinner in the bistro. Nick had invited all of our family and some of his. We all ate and I knew that today he would propose.

As we finished dinner we all got up from the table and started to move around and socialise. Bethany and I were chatting in the corner, about Sarah, nobody apart from us knew she was pregnant yet. Johnny and Aidan were talking business again and Audrey, mum and Michelle were talking about various things. Gail was sulking behind the bar because she had to work. Nick was off in the back sorting stuff out but I knew what he was really doing.
"Where's Nick?" Mum asked as she walked over.
"I dunno" I lied, "haven't seen him for about five minutes"
"Are you taking the mickey out of me?" Mum asked.
"No" I giggled.

Suddenly the music changed and Nick came out from behind the bar.
"Oh Mrs Connor" he called and Mum turned around.
"Yes mr tilsey" Mum said strolling over to him.
"Come here" he said spinning her round and holding onto both her hands as they stood opposite each other.
"I love you Carla Connor"
"I love you too Nick tilsey"
"But there's something not quite right about you" he said.
"Oh right and what's that?" She questioned.
"Well" he said as he started to bend down. "You aren't my wife." By this time he had one knee on the floor and was holding a open ring box in his hand.
"Carla Connor, will you marry me?"
"Get up you idiot" Mum said.
"Come on my knees killing me"
"Yes, yes I will" Mum said. Nick slipped the ring onto her finger and got up. He picked her up swirled her around.
"I love you" he whispered in her ear
"I love you more" she said back.

On the way home, we discussed the engagement.
"And did you see Gail's face?" Mum joked.
"Yeah well you know what she's like, she'll take her time to get used to you but some have known about this longer that others." Nick hinted to me.
"You knew about this?" Mum questioned.
"Yeah I have known for like two weeks now" I said
"How did you keep that a secret so long my little Isla smiler Connor?"
"I am good with secrets" I said and we carried on walking home.

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