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I could feel someone try to move me. I felt someone straighten my neck and hold my arms. I felt a blanket over me but my back was cold and and I could feel the cobbles on my back. I was only wearing a onesie and some socks.

I don't remember much after that almost like I was asleep while I was asleep and then sometimes I woke up but I was still asleep.

I remember feeling someone hold my hand, it was hot and sweaty. I was pretty sure I wasn't in my onesie anymore. I still had socks on my feet but my legs were chilly and so were my shoulders. I could hear a beeping sound and talking. It sounded like Ken or Roy I couldn't tell because my head hurt a bit.

I heard Mum say,
"the doctors aren't sure if there is any lasting damage but she needs another CT scan. I have to talk to the police, people think I tried to start the fire." Then as she said it I remembered Tracy she must have left the candle burning when I went to bed. I wanted to tell Mum because the last thing she needed was for people to blame her for something like this. I tried to move my hands. I think I wiggled my fingers a bit because Mum started to panic and got a doctor. Someone felt my wrist and moved some things. But I still didn't wake up.

I carried on lying and listening to Mum. I worked out it was Roy who was here. I recognised his voice anywhere. When he came in, he said "hi Carla how you bearing up?  I brought Bella's blanket for Isla. What have the doctors said?"
"Not much she is going for a scan soon, I just thought that she might feel better having something she is familiar with. She always begged for a blanket as soft as Bella's but her favourite will always be that checked rag that she has had since she was a baby."
"What colour is it?" Roy asked Mum as I felt the softness of Bella's blanket. "Reds, oranges, yellows, greens why?" "I think Bella has it. When I was looking for their pyjamas last night it was at the bottom of the bag. I asked Bella about it and she grabbed and slept with it in her bed."
"Roy, would you go and get it please and bring Bella with you? If there is one person who can help her it's Bella. Those two are inseparable and her blanket you cants forget it. She got that from her dad for her first Christmas and she loves it so much."
"Of course I will Carla I will be back within the hour."

I heard footsteps and and a door open and close. I felt Mum squeeze my hand. "You know my little girl you have always been my baby and you probably always will be. And since I have had Bella and Elsa you have been amazing. If anything happens to me, I know that those two little girls have always got their big sister. And I'll tell you something else, your dad is watching you and I know that he is so proud of you and he always will be. I love you Isla Charlotte Elizabeth Connor...."
She kissed my forehead.

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