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I hadn't come out of my room since another one of Mum and Dads arguments. It had gone quiet, dad must have gone out and Mum would be sitting at the kitchen counter doing paperwork. I quietly opened the door. No one was there. The front door was shut and mum and dads keys weren't on the hooks next to the door. I took a plastic cup from the cupboard under the sink and took the coke from the fridge. I poured some and put it back. I was never allowed coke when it wasn't a meal time but it's not like there was anyone there. As I put my cup next to the sink, I noticed a note on the dining table.
I have popped out for a bit and if you want me I am in the pub with auntie Michelle
Love mummy xxx
I took my shoes from my room and slipped them on. I reached up to the latch on the door and opened it, closing it behind me and walking down the stairs out of the flat.

I walked across the road and down the next road and again and again until I reached the outside of the pub.

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