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It was a normal Friday afternoon, I am on summer holidays. I was sat in the pub with Kate and Maria. Zizzi of course was sat at my feet. We were chatting when Michelle came out and sat down.
"Any of you seen Steve?"
"No" we all said at once.
"Why?" Kate asked.
"Well according to my calculations, my window of fertility ends today"
"What?" Kate said, "are you having a baby?"
"Well trying to but I do need my husband to do so"
"Eww" I said trying to shake the image out of my head.
"Do you know what you should do? Get one of them apps"
"Yeah I heard about them" Michelle said as she got out her phone.
"So where is Steve?" Kate asked.
"Well apparently he went to Liverpool airport this morning but Tim said he should be back by now"
"That's weird, there might be traffic or something" Maria said.
"This is odd"
"What?" Kate and I said simoutaneously.
"Well according to this, I'm five days late"
"What, maybe Steve isn't needed after all."
"Yeah maybe not"

A while later, Maria had been to get Michelle a test and she was upstairs taking it as we all sat waiting for her. She came in.
"Oh well, you only just started trying" Maria said.
"Again too much information, I'm so glad I don't live on your floor"
"Shut up you"
"Right I need to get back to work" Kate said as she picked up her stuff.
"Oh same, see you later babe" Maria said doing the same. The door shut and Michelle sat down next to me.
"I lied" she said.
"About what?" I said as I stroked zizzi's fur.
"I am pregnant"
"What? Why did you just tell Kate and Maria you weren't?"
"I want it to be a secret just for a bit, ok?"
"Yeah sure" I said as the door opened and Steve was standing there.
"I'll be upstairs" I said as I got up and left the room. Zizzi and I ran up to my room and I lay on my bed reaching for my phone. I went to the contacts but paused when I remembered that I couldn't call mum to tell her. She wasn't going to be at the other end of that phone. I still had her number saved on my phone. I clicked it and let it go to voicemail.
"Hello this is Carla Connor, please leave me a message or give me a bell later thanks"
Even though I was sitting down, her voice made me go weak at the knees and made my stomach flip. I buried my face in my hands. Zizzi rested her head on my lap as she sat down.
"Just one more time, that's all I want Zizzi. One more hug or one more conversation" I whispered.
The door burst open and Michelle was stood there. I quickly wiped my teary eyes and hid my phone as she sat down on my bed.
"He doesn't want a baby, Isla, he doesn't want a baby" she said as she burst into tears. She sat with her head resting on the wall.
"What did he say?"
"I was about to tell him I was pregnant and then he just came out with I don't want a baby and then I told him. Why didn't he just tell me before I got pregnant or from the start?"
"I'm sorry" I said sniffling again.
"It's not your fault Angel"
"I know"
"Hey what's up?"
"What? Nothing"
"Come here" she said as she patted the bed beside her. I moved towards her with my head on her lap. She stroked my hair as I spoke.
"Out with it" she said.
"Just when you told me and I came upstairs, I got on my phone out and then I remembered that I can't call mum to tell her. And then I played her voicemail and I just miss her voice"
"Hey it's alright, you're allowed to miss her, I miss her voice as well, shouting at me to fill up her wine glass" Michelle said and I giggled.
"But I feel like you were always there for her when she needed you but you don't have her when you need her"
"I know and it sucks, but I have you don't I and you are exactly like her. I've got Kate and Maria as well don't I?"
"Yeah, but they aren't as good as mum"
"I know, no one was as good as your mum"
"Your quite good, at looking after me"
"Your easy to look after, you practically look after yourself, as long as I make your dinner, your fine"
"But your good at like talking to me like this"
"Mum was good at that wasn't she?"
"Yeah especially when Dad died."
"Yeah, you know it's been 10 years since Paul died"
"I know it feels like it was a couple of months ago"
"I know"

Later that evening, Michelle had made up with Steve and she was feeling a lot happier.
"All better?" I said as she came j to my room to say goodnight
"Definitely, good night Isla Smiler"
"Night Michelle"

My life-coronation street fan fictionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें