You've got me and I've got you

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It's had been a while now, since Mum had been back. She had been staying with Michelle but for the past few days, she'd being staying in the pub with us. Harry was now back at school after the Christmas holidays and Charlie was on a stag weekend in London.
I was running the pub while he was gone, with the help of Harry and Mum, as well as the usual bar staff.
I woke up on Saturday morning, to find Harry downstairs lying on the sofa.

"Hey Isla, Smiler" he said to me.

"Hi Haz ma Taz," I replied as I sat down on the sofa next to him. I cuddled his head under my arm, "Where's Mum?" I asked.

"I haven't seen her this morning, but I heard someone in the bar, she might be out there." He told me. "Do you want any breakfast?" he asked.

"Yes please, gorgeous boy, can I have some toast with raspberry jam?" I said as he nodded and we both got up. I wrapped my dressing gown around my bump and tied it as I went into the bar. Mum was cleaning the tables on the other side of the bar. she heard my footsteps and turned around.

"Hey Isla, how did you sleep?" she asked.

"Alright" I replied "These two didn't stop most of the night." I said wrapping my arms around my bump. I walked around to the stools and sat down. I wimpered almost, in pain.

"You alright?" Mum asked.

"Yeah, just them kicking me right in the ribs." I said. She sat down next to me, when Harry brought my breakfast in. "Thanks mate." I said taking it from him and putting it down on the bar, before beginning to eat. Whilst I ate, Mum and I sat and chatted. Then when I had finished, she offered to continue to clean the pub for me, which I accepted. I grabbed my plate from the bar, "I'm gonna go and have a shower and sort myself out, then I need to sort the babies' room out." I told her as I walked around to the back,

"That's fine, let me know if you need a hand." She said and I smiled before going back out to the back room.

I spent most of the afternoon in the babies' room, folding their clothes that I'd washed. I organised their drawers, which Charlie and I had put together. Because we knew we were having a boy and a girl, one side was our baby girl's side and the other was for our baby boy. We hadn't painted the walls or anything because we knew as they get older, they'd have their own rooms. I folded and organised their clothes before heading down to the bar.

it was busy downstairs, Bethany, Mum and Sean were all working tonight and Harry was around clearing glasses and serving drinks. I helped out for a while before going into the back and making Harry and I some dinner. Whilst it was cooking I went back out and served drinks and chatted to customers before serving Harry and I our dinner which we ate whilst watching TV in the back room.

When I'd finished, Harry cleared away the plates and the kitchen, while I went back out into the bar. It was a Saturday so it was busy until late. At peak hour, usually about 9, it was really busy, I was serving drinks as quickly as I could when I felt this sudden rushing pain through my stomach,

"Ahhhhh" I screeched as clutched onto the nearest thing to me, which was the edge of the bar.

"Isla, Isla was is it?" Mum said.

I was taken to hospital by my Mum, once I arrived I was taken up to maternity where I was quickly checked over. Mum stayed with me, while the doctors and nurses rushed in and out.
"Right Isla is afraid you're in premature labour and we're going to have to deliver your babies now. We're going to give you a c-section because they're beginning to get distressed." The doctor told me, I had gone silent.
"Isla you alright?" Mum said, I looked to her still quite blankly.
"Call Charlie, please get Charlie." I said. But I don't remember much after that. I was under general anaesthetic while they delivered the babies.

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