Wedding day

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I woke up, to find Bella lying at the end of my bed. Oh yeah I remember why she's there. Michelle was staying in her room. I turned over and looked at the clock, it was only 8:40.
I reached for my phone and checked my social media before hearing a lot of noise in the kitchen. I slowly pushed the duvet off me, careful not to wake Bella. I went out to the kitchen to find mum holding Elsa as she organised some flowers and Michelle and Kate both standing at the coffee machine.
"Hey gorgeous" mum said as I walked over.
"What are you all doing awake so early?"
"Cos I'm getting married Isla Smiler" mum screamed as she gave Elsa a piece of toast. I giggled and as I saw Bella emerge from my room. She rubbed her eyes with one hand as she held her favourite blanket with the other.

It was a few hours later. I was sat in the bistro, Bella was sat on my lap. We had already done enough arguing.
"You may now kiss the bride" I heard and then a wave of clapping. I clapped with them. But I could see something was wrong with mum. But I stayed quiet.

There were so many secrets surrounding this day, everything had just been revealed about mum and Robert.

Later on we were sat around the table, eating when Johnny started his speech. He talked for ages and I knew that afterwards I would have to do the same. I glanced over at mum, she looked worried, although I would be if I was here and I knew what had just happened and how close she just came to loosing him.

"Now i introduce to you my granddaughter, Isla" Johnny said and everyone clapped. I stood up and began.

My life-coronation street fan fictionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن