Thinking about the future

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"Isla Connor" I heard my headmistress shout across the playground at the end of school. Bethany and I both turned around.
"I need a word, come here please" she shouted from the front entrance of the school, I turned to Bethany,
"Wait for me at the gate, I'm sure whatever she wants won't take long"
"Ok" she said as she walked towards the gate and I ran to the front entrance.

"Yes Miss?"
"Isla, I heard you had an interest in becoming a primary school teacher"
"Yes Miss"
"Well there's a work experience place there in a few weeks, I was wondering if you wanted to do it?"
"Yes please Miss"
"And I've been informed that you have won a number of prizes for this year's end of year prize day"
"Really miss? We haven't been told yet"
"Oh well, you'll be receiving an email in the next few days then"
"Ok thank you miss"
"You can go Isla"
"Thank you Miss" I said as I turned and started to walk away,
"Oh and Isla..."
"Yes miss" I said as I turned around quickly,
"I'm so sorry about your mum and sisters"
"It's ok miss, it's getting easier"
"It will, my parents died when I was fourteen"
"I'm sorry as well"
"It's alright, now go on off you go"
"Thank you miss" I said as I walked away, I turned to see she was standing there still so I jogged until I reached Bethany.

"What did she say?" She asked as we walked towards the bus stop and I told her about what she told me.

We got off the bus and said goodbye to each other before we went our separate ways, she went along the road and I went into the rovers.
I walked inside and smiled at Liz and Eva who were stood behind the bar.
"Hey gorgeous" Eva said
"Hey, where zizzi?" I said and they both giggled.
"You ask that every time you get home from school"
"But I miss her" I said whistling afterwards. Zizzi ran down the stairs and behind the bar, where I was now standing. I gave her lots of attention  and kissed and cuddled her.
"Where's Michelle?"
"Out the back talking to Steve, apparently it's private"
"Ok I'll leave them, Liz guess what?"
"What, darling?"
"Apparently I am gonna get quite a few prizes at my end of year prize day"
"Yeah and I have got a work experience place at the local primary school"
"Yeah" she said and Liz and Eva both hugged me.

A while later, I had gone up to my room to do some homework with zizzi, when Michelle came up.
"Hey angel, Liz told me about your prizes and the work experience place"
"Yeah, it's cool right?"
"Yeah, I need to ask you something"
"Well me and Steve have been talking and we want to have a baby. Would that be alright with you?"
"Yeah, that would be cool"
"Are you sure?"

Later that evening, Bethany came round, she came up to my room and we talked about stuff.
"It's the anniversary of my dad's death tomorrow" I said as I stroked zizzi.
"Really? How long has it been?"
"Ten years"
"Oh my goodness, I'm sorry mate"
"It's alright"
"I never knew my dad"
"How come?"
"I dunno really, he didn't really want me"
"I wonder why" I said jokingly
"You're not funny, how come my mum had to go for the bad ones hey?"
"Same, apart from Nick she didn't have much luck"
"True, how many times was she married?"
"There was my dad, then Tony, then nearly Frank, then Peter, then Nick, twice"
"That's five"
"My mums only really had boyfriends, well and Jason"
"Oh yeah, I remember when they were married"
"Yeah, I don't remember it that much"
We carried on talking about random stuff, and part of me forgot about all the stuff that had gone on. I felt happy and free.

My life-coronation street fan fictionWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt