Step-Daddy day care

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It was a few weeks later, Mum was at home and was getting restless, Nick was looking after us all well.

Mum was sat on the sofa and Nick was in the kitchen with Elsa. I sat on the floor playing with Bella. The doorbell rang.
"I'll get it" Nick said as he carried Elsa over to the door.
"Hiya, I see you guys had a good Valentine's Day then?" Michelle said as she walked through and saw last nights plates, candles and flowers on the kitchen table.
"Yeah, family Valentine's Day it turned into, Bella got in with us at 6. Anything from Steve?" Nick said.
"I got a phonecall saying sorry I forgot about your card and flowers, but it didn't last long as he had to go to some party. And I had to work. How's her majesty?"
"Look I'm not sure she's up to this wedding fair," he said trying to be quiet but I could hear him and tell by the look on her face, so could Mum.
"Oh no really?" Michelle said
"Yeah she's still in a bit of pain"
"That's what painkillers are for" she said as she bumped nicks shoulder and kissed Elsa's forehead.
"Yeah, and we did over do it a bit last night" Nick said.
"Way too much information," I shouted from the floor as I got up, "way too much"
"Alright, still I was on painkillers for most of it" Mum said.
"Don't take too many"
"I take what I need and I need a day out." She said as Nick put Elsa down and pulled Mum into a hug, as Michelle did the same to me.
"We don't have to go you know," Michelle said
"No no I want to, it'll give you Nicky boy to spend some time with my girls and I might be able to sleep in a bed and not be disturbed"
"Alright then, we'll have fun won't we girls" Nick said "look after her" he said to Michelle
"And you look after my babies" Mum said to him.
"Right Mrs go and get ready" Michelle said.

"I love you girls, be good for Nicky and I will see you tomorrow" mum said as she stood at the door.
"Isla don't do too much for him ok?"
"Alright" I said and she kissed each one of us on the forehead and her and Michelle left. The door slamming loudly behind them.
"Right monkeys, what do you want to do?"
" I dunno" Bella said
"How about we go shopping to town then we can go to Costco and choose what we want for dinner?" Elsa asked.
"Yeah can we that big pizza?" Bella asked.
"Right come on then Isla I am gonna pick what these two are going to wear"
"Really, didn't you do that once and mum had to go and change them"
"Yeah well Mum's not here"

We went into Bella's room and Nick picked out a flowery dress with some cute shoes and a cardigan.
"I guess that could work" I said as we went into Elsa's room
"And what about this?" He said as he held up white jeans and a sweatshirt for Elsa"
"Yeah I like that"
"Cool you go get dressed then"

We had finished shopping in town, we got a few new things as well as some presents for Mum, and some stuff for the flat.
We walked around Costco, Nick wandered around putting different things in the trolley, some for the bistro and some for home.
"Yeah we need more of that," I said.
I was pushing the trolley which had Elsa and Bella sitting in it. Bella was chatting away and hugging Elsa while I was looking around. Elsa sat quietly taking in the sights. I had come before to Costco with Nick but never with the girls, Bella only knew about the pizza because it was Mum's favourite. It was cool, I liked it, it felt so big compared to put little flat.

After our pizza back at home, Nick put Elsa and Bella in front of the TV, while I had a shower. After that I went back into the living room and sat on the sofa with Nick.
"They don't half wear you out those girls"
"I know, but your good with them"
"You know I'm glad that your gonna be my step dad"
" cos you look after us and you treat Mum like a queen"
"And what was wrong with the others?"
"You know what?"
"Only from what Carla's told me, you tell me"
"Tony was good at first but I heard him when I was about 8, and he was on the phone to some guy about killing Liam, I tried to tell Mum or Michelle but are they really gonna believe an 8 year old, I hated myself after Liam died. Then there was Frank, he hated him from the start, he used to make me call him dad and his Mum used to do the same. He told me that now he was here Mum was gonna forget about me."
"He just scared me, I always found it awkward and one time he said to me that he was going for a drink and I shouldn't tell Mum"
"You told her didn't you?"
"Of course, I also hated the fact that he was always this secret cos of his affair with Mum. One time he spoke to me when I was with Frank and I got in trouble with Frank."
"But me what about me?"
"You are good with those monkeys for a start, non of them were good with either of them, or me. And you make Mum feel amazing, she is always happy with you"

A while later after watching tv I went to bed. Nick followed me and tucked me in.
"Night night Isla smiler"
"Night night Nicky."
"Don't let bed bugs bite" he said as he got up and walked over to the door.

As he went to pull the door closed, I said
"Thank you"
"What for?"
"For being the best step daddy day care service ever"
"Your welcome munchkin"

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