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The next morning, I woke up in bed next to Charlie. He was awake and on his phone. as he noticed that I was awake as well, he put down his phone and put his arm around me.

"Morning gorgeous," he said before kissing my cheek, "I'm still shocked by your performance last night." he said and we both giggled. We then chatted for a while before I decided to check my phone. I unlocked it to find that I had sixteen missed calls, all from Kate, Aidan and Johnny.

"Shit" I said as I dialled the voicemail number and listened to them.

"Hiya Isla, just calling to let you know that Harry's not feeling too good and he wants you to come and get him, so give me a call back and I'll have him ready for you." Kate's voice said through my phone.

I quickly got out of bed and put on a jumper and some jeans.

"What's going on?" Charlie asked.

"Harry's ill and I need to go and get him. You can stay if you want but I don't know how long I'll be but if not I love you, you were amazing, I'll text you." I said as I threw on some shoes as well. I leant down on the bed and kissed him before grabbing my phone and leaving the room. I threw my coat on as I grabbed my keys and left the flat. 

It didn't take me long to get to the flat. I knocked on the door and Aidan came to open it and I went straight upstairs. 

"I'm so sorry, I was asleep and my phone was on silent," I said

"Don't worry darling" Aidan said as he pulled me into a sideways hug.

"What's wrong with him?" I said,

"He threw up twice last night and twice his morning, he's fine, he just wanted to be at home with you." Eva said. "He's in our room, i'll go and get him."

"How was your party?" Aidan asked.

"Fine, good, cool." I said trying to ignore the subject.

"Which one?" he asked.

"All of them" I said as Eva appeared in the doorway with Harry in her arms. I walked over and took him from her and he wrapped his legs around me and rested his head on my shoulder. I stroked his hair softly and I rocked him slowly. 

After a while, I took Harry home. I carried him on my hip with his bag in my other hand. He was still wearing his pyjamas and had his dressing gown on with his blanket over that. he had wooly socks on his feet and no shoes. We got back to the flat and I unlocked the door. I put Harry down on the island and gave him a drink before I put his bag outside his bedroom and going into my room to see if Charlie was still there. He wasn't. 

"Isla, what's this?" Harry said from the kitchen. I went back and saw that he held up a note. i took it from him and read it.

Dear Isla,

Thank you for a sensational night, I thought I should leave you and your brother alone but I would love to meet him some day. Thank you for everything, and for telling me everything. Text me to let me know everything's alright.

Love Charlie xxx

"Who's it from?" Harry asked as he put down his cup.

"It"s from my friend."

"What friend?"

"I had a friend who stayed in the spare room last night." 

"Who? Was it a boy or a girl?" he asked as I lifted him off the island and onto the sofa. 

"He was a boy called Charlie."

"Is he your boyfriend?"

"What makes you think that?"

"I heard Uncle Aidan and Eva talking about how you need a boyfriend last night when i had gone to bed."

"Well how would you feel if he was my boyfriend?"

"That depends"

"Oh yeah, on what?"

"On what he was like, as long as he is nice to you and looks after you." he said before giggling, "and rode bikes with me." 

"I'll ask him, see if he likes riding bikes." I said before getting up from the sofa and going into the kitchen, "Harry do you want anything to eat?" I asked him.

"Maybe some waffles and chicken nuggets." he said, smiling.

"What? For breakfast?" 

"Yes please." he said as he pulled his blanket over him.

"Alright" I said as I began to make his breakfast. 

Later in the day, Harry and I were cuddled up on the sofa, watching a film. I decided to send Charlie a text,

Harry's feeling better, thanks for your note. He found it and knows about you. He would love to meet you someday. Thanks again for last night. Love you and Miss you. Isla xxx

I then carried on watching the film with Harry, who after a while turned around and asked me, 

"Are you talking to your boyfriend?" I giggled and nodded at him.

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