What next?

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After about a month of Harry being gone, a memorial sort of thing was held at his nursery. The parents and the kids all wore blue because it was his favourite colour. Mum was getting back to normal but still struggled without her little boy, we all did. Elsa missed him and so did I but Bella, she hadn't been the same since. She barely spoke and would hate to go anywhere without one of us. She's only two and it's hard for her to deal with, she doesn't fully understand like Elsa does.

We arrived at the school, all four of us wearing blue. Bella and Elsa barely letting go of my hands, while mum walked in front of us. The teachers and parents stood with the children around the edge of the playground. They were all in blue, some even with t-shirts with Harry's face on. There was a big picture of him on a canvas with the words, BRING HOME HARRY CONNOR. The sort of head teacher of the nursery stood on a small stage.
"We welcome you here today, to celebrate Harry, our funny, cheeky, crazy little boy. Harry's sister Isla, is going to talk to us today" she said, as I let go of Bella and Elsa. I stepped up onto the stage.
"I want to thank you all for being here today, for giving up time in your days for my little brother Harry. That cheeky little boy, that shy and timid little boy who was such a mummy's boy. And I hate talking about him in the past, and I know I should have hope and I do, that one day we will know what happened, but it's hard when you look down at my sisters faces and all I can think is," I hesitated, "all I can think is that it's just the three of us, when don't have our little soldier man anymore, that little baby boy, my monkey if a little brother. He's gone"

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