Memorial day

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The day before Bella's fifth birthday, her school had organised a Memorial Day for her at school. Michelle, grandma, grandad and I were all going and of course so was zizzi.
We all drove in the car and arrived at the school after their morning break.
All the children were in the playground, the girls wearing blue bows in their hair and the boys had blue hats on.
We were taken out into the playground by Bella's teacher, by this time all the children were stood in lines along one side. There was a bench by the wall that had a small plaque on it reading BELLA 'BLUE' CONNOR

I smiled as I looked at it, that was her favourite saying, whenever mum was sad she would say,
"Mummy, don't forget to smile"

We stood in silence for two minutes in remembrance of Bella before Bella's best friend, a girl called Ellie got up to stand at the microphone, her teacher was at and she said,
"Bella blue was my best friend, she was funny but she always said she knew her jokes from her big sister" I giggled as Michelle nudged me.
"Mine and Bella's favourite game to play was princesses and she always let me be the queen because she likes to make other people smile and make them happy. That's why she was my best friend, and she will be forever. I love you Bella blue.

After a speech from Bella's teacher and the headmistress, we put flowers on the bench alongside the headmistress and Bella's best friend Ellie. When most of the children had gone back inside, I went over to Ellie who played with zizzi a bit and I bent down to both of them,
"Well done Ellie, blue would be so proud of you"
"Thank you, she'll always be in here and in here" she said as she put her hand on her heart and pointed to her head.
"Did Bella teach you that?"
"Yeah, she used to say it about Elsa"
"Yeah and guess who taught her that"
"Me" I told her.
"Does this mean that I won't get to come to your house anymore?"
"Yeah, I'm sorry Ellie, I'm moving back to Manchester"
"That's where you moved from isn't it?"
"Yeah, it's where me and Bella were born"
"I'll always remember Bella" she said.
"Me too Ellie me too" I replied as Michelle came over.
"You ready to go Isla smiler?"
"Yeah" I said as I stood up
"Bye Ellie" I said as I scrunched her hair.
"Bye Isla" she said as she hugged my legs
"Bye zizzi" she said as she hugged zizzi.

We walked slowly back to the car, grandma and Michelle walked ahead, grandad walked behind with me.
"Things will get better you know" he said.
"Yeah I know, just like when I was seven and I thought I would never be able to hear the word dad ever again without bursting into tears. And just like Elsa, we were almost at that stage where we could talk to people about her and not burst into tears"
"See it is going to be ok, and I remember the same happened when your dad and Liam died, I thought I would never be able to tell people about my sons but now we can, can't we?"
"And remember you've always got me and zizzi"
"Thanks grandad"

My life-coronation street fan fictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang