First Day

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I held Ollie's hand as we walked down the road towards his school. Today was his first day of school. I was so nervous but I don't think he was as fussed. I walked him through the school gates and into his classroom. He gave me a hug and kiss before running off towards his teacher. I smiled because I knew he was excited but I couldn't help but be upset. I walked all the way back home to the pub, to find Charlie cleaning glasses at the bar.

"Was he alright?" he asked and I nodded as I walked towards him, tears about to fall out of my eyes. He put his arms and pulled me into him as I sobbed into his chest.

"Sshhhhh, shhh, he'll be alright, he's gonna be ok, Isla it's ok." he comforted me as I continued to cry into him.

"He's my baby, he's my tiny baby, my little fighter, he's my little baby boy." I whimpered into Charlie's chest. "And I can't help but think, this should be Beau's first day too."

"Hey, look at me, he's our big boy Isla, and you and I both know he is a strong boy and he will be alright. And I wish more than anything that Beau was here with him, but we know she'll be watching him." he said to me, "And anyway, we've got these twins to worry about now." he said, putting his hand on the bump in my stomach. I was 6 months pregnant with our second set of twins, another boy and girl. We stood there both looking down at my stomach for a while as I could feel them kick on the inside and Charlie could feel it on the outside.

"You feeling better?" he said as he pulled away from me slightly and put his arms around my waist, my bump sticking into his stomach slightly. I nodded. "Do you want to take Isabella to nursery or are you going over to the factory?" He said referring to our 3 year old daughter, who was born just over a year after Ollie and was full of energy and absolutely adored her big brother.

"I'll take her and then go to the factory, I have a meeting at 11, but I want to take her. At least it isn't her first day, then I would be in tears." I told him, before pulling away and going into the back room. The TV was off and she wasn't on the sofa. "Charlie where is she?" I called from the back corridor.

"She's up in her room." he called from the bar. I climbed up the stairs and went into her room.

"Hello Isabella Belle." I said as I pushed the door open. She leaped up from her rug on the floor, whee she'd been playing and hugged me. I picked her up and put her on my hip. Like Ollie, she had always been a small baby and was very light, so even though I was quite pregnant, I could still pick her up. I walked with her over to her wardrobe. "Right what do you want to wear today?" I asked her and she pointed to her pink fairy dress at one end of her wardrobe. "You can't wear that to nursery silly," I said to her as I tickled her slightly and she giggled. I put her down and chose a denim pinafore dress for her. I placed it on her bed before going over to her drawers and getting out a pink stripy t-shirt as well as a pair of tights for her. I got her dressed before sending her downstairs. While she was downstairs with Charlie, I went into our bedroom and changed out of my jeans and put on a plain black maternity dress, which I often wore to work. I put a bit of make up on and brushed my hair before shoving it up in a ponytail, before going downstairs. As today was Tuesday, Isabella only went for the morning, so I didn't need to pack her a lunch. I did alway put a spare pair of leggings, a jumper and her water bottle in her bag. I sat her down on one of the kitchen chairs and brushed her hair and put it into a French plait. I sent her to find her shoes and then went after her and she sat on the bottom step and I put on her boots and then helped with her coat. I carried her bag and my bag that I took to work. We went out through the bar and Isabella said goodbye to Charlie and I kissed him.

I then walked the short distance with Bella to her nursery. She had always been a very chilled out, like Ollie but he had always been a lot more clingy, to Charlie and I. Where as Bells, was more willing to just go and play by herself. She was born when Ollie was just over a year old and her birth was a lot easier than Ollie's. Her full name is Isabella Daisy Thompson, obviously the Bella part came from my sister and I knew it was something Harry would love. She had just about every nickname going; Bella, Bells, IzBomb, IzzyB, IzzyD, BD, Dais, B Dizzle. Although my favourite was always Bells.

Speaking of Harry, he had just finished university in Leicester studying Law. He loved law and had his heart set of on being a lawyer. He was staying with us at the moment, but currently was still on his summer holiday with his friends in Spain, where he'd been for the last month or so. Harry had a girlfriend, called Ellie, who he had been with for the past 2 and a half years. She often stayed here with us when Harry was home. Mum had moved out, not long after we found out we were having Bells. She now lived back in one of the flats in Victoria Court but was often over here. She still took a few shifts in the pub if we were busy and also helped run the factory.

Once I had dropped Bells off at nursery, I went to work. I was greeted by the factory staff, who as usual commented on my lateness and walked into the office to find Kate sat at her desk. She was the other person who ran the factory with me, however, she had no shares in the business, but helped me run it. I was the main shareholder, owning 90% of the business. The other ten was split between Mum and Grandad.

I sat down at my desk and quickly got on with some work, answering phone calls and replying to emails. At about 11, I went over to the pub, where I met a client for a meeting. I often had meetings there, as I knew the money went straight back to me and it meant I got to see Charlie. Since I had been pregnant this time, we had both been so obsessed with each other, as if we were teenagers again. After my meeting, I left the pub and went to get Belle from nursery. On my way home, we swung by the factory, where I did some paperwork, while Isabella ran around with Kate. I made a couple more phonecalls, before finally leaving the factory at around 2. I took Isabella home and got changed before playing with her in her room. But it wasn't long before we both left to get Ollie from school. We drove in the car, leaving Charlie at the pub. I briefly spoke to Ollie's teacher and then the three of us got in the car and drove to the supermarket.

When we got home, Charlie was behind the bar, so I took everything through to the kitchen and unpacked it. I sent Ollie and Bella upstairs to get changed into their football kit, as Charlie was taking them to football tonight. Once I'd unpacked the shopping, I went through to the pub and began serving customers as it was really busy. I heard the children come downstairs and go into the back room to watch TV. Charlie and I served customers for another hour or so before he headed off the football with the kids. My Mum arrived.
"Hello gorgeous girl, how are you?" She asked as she took her coat off behind the bar.
"I'm fine, tired but fine." I told her
"How was Ollie's first day?" She asked.
"He was absolutely fine, I was crying but he loved it. He can't wait to go back tomorrow."
"Do you wanna go and have a lie down? I can handle things out here." She said.
"Are you sure?" I asked and she nodded so I went into the back room. I sat down on the sofa and began to read through some papers for the factory.

The next thing I remember was hearing Charlie's voice as he had one hand stroking my hair and the other resting on my bump. I opened my eyes slowly and turned my head to look at him.
"You alright gorgeous?" He said and I nodded.
"Sorry I fell asleep, I was meant to me reading over some papers for the factory."
"It's alright babe, why don't you go up to bed? I'll finish up things down here." I nodded, and he helped me up before I began to climb the stairs. I went into our bedroom and changed into my pyjamas before going into the bathroom, where I washed my face and cleaned my teeth. As I finished, I heard crying coming from the direction of the kids rooms. I left the bathroom walked across the landing and stood outside Ollie's room. It wasn't him. I went to Bella's to find her sitting in her bed in tears. I picked her up and balanced her on my hip, gently rocking her from side to side. She settled and told me that she had a bad nightmare. I took her into our room, where I lay her down on the bed and lay down next to her. She snuggled between my legs and was falling asleep as Charlie came up. He lifted her out of bed and took her back to hers. He came back and changed before climbing into bed next to me. As he did every night, he wrapped his arms around me resting them on my bump, before we both fell asleep.

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