Moving away?

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I knew what was going on Michelle and Mum hadn't stopped talking about when Nick was out, Tracy threats were real this time, I think and Mum was scared, Tracy could literally end her entire relationship, she loves Nick and what happened with Robert was an utter mistake.

Nick and Mum were sitting on the sofa when I came out of my room, both of the girls were fast asleep.
"Hey smiler come here" Mum said as she put out her arm. I sat down and she pulled me into a hug.
"How would you feel about us moving away?" Mum said, like I didn't already know what was going on.
"On what?" Nick said
"Where? When? Who?"
"Well we haven't really decided on where yet, or when"
"So who?"
"Me, you, Mum, Bella, Elsa" Nick said.
"Yeah, I want to move, and even though we have good memories here, like having Bella and Elsa, and meeting Nick, we have bead ones that I think we should leave behind."
"Sure?" Nick asked
"I'm sure"

Later that night Bella came into my room.
"Hey angel" I said as she climbed onto my bed and under my duvet.
"What's up?" I said seeing little tears under her eyes.
"Are we leaving?" She asked, I knew she'd heard the conversation we had. I couldn't lie to her and she is nearly four now, she deserves to know.
"Yeah, we are going to move away from weatherfield"
"Because lots of bad things happened here, for mummy and Nicky"
"Like my dad"
"Yeah and Peter and lots of things."
"What about auntie chelle?"
"She will still be here"
"Will we still see her?"
"I'm sure she'll come and visit" I said as she yawned,
"Do you want to stay in my room tonight?"
"Yeah please" she said as she snuggled down with her favourite blanket.
"Love you Isla" she said
"Love you too Bella" I said as I switched off the light.

My life-coronation street fan fictionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora