The trial

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A couple of weeks later was Peter and rob's trial. both Mum and I had to give evidence against them both.
That morning I got Bella and Elsa up and dressed fed them breakfast before taking Bella to nursery and Elsa to school.
I walked home and on my way I saw Michelle walking towards the flat, I waited for her and she said "you alright Isla?" I nodded my head as she put her arm around me. "is Carla alright?" She asked "I think so she seems a bit shaky" I replied.
When we back at the flat, I got changed and did my hair and make up. Michelle helped Mum get ready. when I was ready, I went into Mum's room. she was sat on the bed next to Michelle. I bent down in front of them. "You know it will be ok"

Mum made her statement and I made mine but they asked me hard questions. The trial lasted 5 days in total. in some ways I wanted to defend my uncle but I knew that I couldn't. On the last day I was the last person to take to the witness stand, so after I was done. I went to the viewing gallery and watched with Mum and Michelle. Ken and Deirdre were there too, with Tracy and Tina.

Rob was found guilty of attempted murder. he was sentenced a minimum of 10years.
Peter was found guilty of attempted murder and sentenced to 10 years of prison.
But someone wasn't happy... it wasn't Mum or me... but they weren't happy....

A/N - sorry for short chapter and it took so long I have exams.

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