Road trip

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We were sat in nicks car after just leaving weatherfield. Nick and I were sat in the front and Bella sat in the back in the middle. She was chatting away to Nick about a girl in her class at nursery who threw sand on one of the other girls.
Nick and I were laughing away at her. We chatted away about all the normal Nick. We were taking about the baby
"I'm excited you know and even though I'm not gonna see it everyday, I'm excited I get to be a dad, I mean I love you and Bella and I loved Elsa but this is my child, half me. How could I not be excited?"
"You sound like mum, when she had Bella and Harry. She didn't want to be excited because of frank and everything but she used to sit up for hours talking about how excited she was. Then when she had them, she was so excited all she wanted to do was hold them and hug them. You'll feel the same but I think she will be more protective because of what happened to Elsa"
"Yeah she probably will"

We stopped at a service station and had McDonald's for lunch. Then carries on our journey. By the time we arrived at the cottage it was 4:30pm and mum was standing at the front door. The cottage looked cosy and warm. We climbed out of the car and Bella and I both ran to hug mum. Nick got out as well, following us inside and kissing mum on the cheek as we went inside.
"How's the baby?" I heard him ask.
"Good, good size and we get to find out whether it's a boy or girl tomorrow"
"My bets on a boy"
"No way, it's a girl, I can tell" mum said as they giggled away.
"Have you felt it kick at all?"
"No not yet, but anytime now I should feel it."
"That's great"
"Mum what's for dinner?" Bella interrupted them.
"Macaroni cheese and sausages"
"My favourite" Bella said. "Mummy where's my room?"
"Do you want me to give you a tour?" Mum said.
"Yes please"

She first took us around the bottom floor which consisted of a kitchen, dining room, living room, study and snug as well as various cupboards and a utility room. The first floor had four bedrooms, one was mums, one would be the baby's and two spare rooms as well as two bathrooms. On the top floor was bathroom and mine and Bella's rooms.
"I love it" I said to mum as we sat down to dinner.

That night, after dinner, mum gave Bella a bath and I unpacked my room. I lay in bed when mum came in and lay in my bed next to me. She rolled over onto her side and her bump was sticking into my side.
"I missed you Isla smiler"
"Missed you too"
We talked for about ten minutes before mum kissed me goodnight and went down to her room. I went to bed not knowing what tomorrow would bring, heartbreak, make-ups and fear.

A/N so comment what you think the baby will be. Thanks for all the support I have so much cool stuff planned for this book this summer so stay tuned and keep voting and commenting. Let's try get this book 600 votes and 100 comments by the end of June.
Thanks Lotti

My life-coronation street fan fictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora