Chapter 37

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It hurt. Everything hurt. His head was pounding and why did his eyelids weigh triple his weight each? Slowly they cracked open and he moved to slid himself up into a sitting position. It hurt. Why did it feel as if they were frozen. Lukas scanned the familliar room realize that Matthias was fast asleep in his chair. He didn't even question the start of a beard, but he couldn't seem to remember when he started to grow facial hair. Most likely something he didn't think about.

Lukas was going to call out to him. To wake him up but instead his lips curled up noticing on the desk behind him. The engagement ring. His ring. His fiancé. His future. Matthias's name was on his lips, but then, he screamed, holding himself together tightly as if he would unravel like a ball of yarn.

It hurt.

Why was there so much pain?

Was he injured?

He couldn't remember getting hurt?

Matthias bolted up, blue eyes staring as tears swelled. "Lukas? Lukas!"

The pain stopped for sometime and the Norwegian rushed to catch up on his breath fearful of it happening again. "Matthias. I, I never meant for this. I'm so sorry." he sniffled. Never did he not want to get married now the Dane probably hated him believing it was all meant to prolong it. "I, knew so much information and we both knew that if Sweden threatened Emil I would spill but I wanted you safe to and I didn't know what to do! I just wanted our family to be safe-"

During the uncharacteristic ramblings of his lover Matthias made his way to sit beside him on the bed and pulled him closer softly. "I know. It's okay. I get it, okay?"

The shorter was still sniffling and held onto the blond, slowly nodding. "Ja. Jeg elsker deg."

Matthias grinned "Still no Danish! How much longer must I wait."

"I'm still not a Kohler. How much longer must I wait?" he countered wiping away tears.

"Touché. I'll take that as the wedding is still on?"

Lukas rolled his eyes. "Idiot Dane."

"Really nice Luka considering you just woke up."

"I can be mean in the morning."

Matthias shooked his head softly "Lu, it's the afternoon."

"When did that stop me?"

Matthias took a breath "You've been in a coma for two months, nearly three."

Months. Three, months Lukas was in this bed doing nothing. He wanted to deny, say that that it was impossible. That it was only just yesterday he found the contract. Was it all really three months ago? "This isn't a stupid prank of yours is it?"

"Lukas, do you think I would joke about this?"

He wanted to say yes. To tell Matthias that he wasn't so easily fooled, but he knew better. It explained for one, the new beard he couldn't remember and who knows what else he hasn't realized yet. Hadn't had the chance to realize yet.

His body froze as pain surged through it once again. This time Lukas bite his lip from screaming out. Why did it hurt! Couldn't he just be okay! After all, he's been in comas before, they weren't this bad to wake up! Berwald just got out of one, sure not as long as him but he knew it didn't hurt like the unrelenting, what seemed to be like boiling, pain jolting through him now. "Lukas?"

He opened his mouth basically choking a gasp. What was wrong with him! Matthias moved to be closer to his side. "What's wrong Luka?"

Luka, he only used that when something serious just happened or was happening. Especially when the Dane was comforting him. He should've realized it when he said he woke up. Norway knew something was bad, just not what. How was he supposed to!

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