Chapter 7

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Emil frowned sitting as he observed the others faces. Berwald was near unreadable with only worry displayed. The children were in a panic with peter being comforted by Tino continuously looked towards the stairs hoping for an answer.

Violet eyes connected with blue which quickly looked away and repeated his pacing. All Emil wanted to yell at the Dane was to calm down. That Emil knew that it was the right thing. It was what Lukas wanted it after all. That he wanted the memories gone, but he couldn't explain that to them, as much as he wished. But, nothing could be done, it was his choice and it was harming him.

Romania came down from the bedroom to the living room looking at Denmark sharply before turning and facing his friend's brother. "Iceland, can we speak to you privately."

It wasn't a question. The kid would have to go because he turned to leave for the kitchen with a deep sigh. When he turned, the other was right there several feet behind him. "Well? Is my brother okay?"

A small smile formed as he nodded. Noticing the time from the quarter of his eyes and sighing to himself. He needed to do his stuff. Being behind on work and having to get Bulgaria make sure Moldova wasn't having too many issues was unfair to him. "He's fine. Just make sure no one mentains the past week to much. Keep us updated of course."

"Of course. What's going on right now?"

"He's resting Emil, let him."

With a chin slightly bowed he agreed easily "Ja." For a second he paused "In those memories, did you see anything?"

Vladimir cocked a brow "No? We never have snooped, he is our friend. Why?"

"Well, never mind. Just was, important to him and Matthias really."

"Yeah. We, never talked about that stuff. But I do remember what I think your talking about." Romania smiled to more so himself "Lukas, was pretty, well, happy. Ever since we did, this back then, ever since he hasn't been the same."

"I know."

"It's okay Emil. Lukas will always be Lukas, it wasn't as if his emotions weren't hard to display before."

Iceland nodded "Anyway, I'll tell the others."

"Emil. If anyone starts talking about things like that. Tell us. We put a weaker spell."

"What why!" You saw how he was."

"That's why. The weaker is actually easier for his head."

England sighed staring at the resting body when the door turned and squeaked. "I was just wondering-"

"Denmark, he's fine."

The male slipped in staying quiet. Arthur didn't have to even look at him to know that for once in his long life he was scared. And Not in a sense of near death, more in the sense of if the issue goes wrong he would feel as if death would be the easy way out. Green eyes followed his figure as he pulled a chair beside the bed. "Denmark, if we messed up I have a strong feeling he would rather not see you there."

"I know." His eyebrows raised "And?"

"And I have to leave soon anyways. I just, He's peaceful but before. Norgie was completely-"

"Maybe you shouldn't think of that."

"England, your his friend just as much as I am. Lukas, the Lukas who I only saw cry four other times."

"Five. only ever cried five times."

"Still, one hand, but he was, shattered." slowly Arthur dared to nod along. All because he broke some promise. One I don't even remember! If anyone deserves this it's me."

Nothing could stop the brit from smiling at that moment. It was definitely still the same them from those years ago. still believing the other has no flaws and rather take all the blame and pain. After everything, he didn't quite understand how. After all, although he was friend's with Lukas, he would always be bluntly honest.

Lukas Bondevik destroyed everything they both worked for with the memory spells. Everything they ever talked about, gone. And that promise that they've dreamt and worked for, well, Lukas would never let that become uncovered. He really shouldn't have harmed them as he did but, that's what happen when-

Matthias stood frowning "Thank you for whatever you did to help him."

"Of course. All though, we should thank you for calming him down. Although he wanted the spell most of him still didn't."

"What! Why did you do it then!"

"He's logical. To him, this was the logical answer."

"Since when was magic logical!"

Arthur huffed wanting to name exactly what made less sense but it'd either take too long to explain Lukas would wake hear and get his memories again, or Matthias, or he'd vent to other Nordics and they remember. Or He could bug Iceland and he spill.

Iceland. He huffed, although he knew Romania was against it, he better be getting rid of his memories. Arthur didn't care what any of them argued. For the spell to have the lowest chance of working he'd have to forget so he didn't spill.

'Stupid ass Nordics pretending they're all high and mighty and invincible when in truth their completely terrified for each other. Sure they, did beat me, a few times, but when my family fought or had an issue we didn't do something that could harm every single one of them.' And this wasn't directed to Lukas. All of them did something along those lines.

Lukas stared confused around him. Why was everything evaporating? Violet blue eyes scanned the horizon, black fading to white. Deja vu, but of what? Norwegian curses spilled out to the emptiness. Why was it all going? What was all going? He could figure this out, he had to. A bad spell perhaps but what was it doing? Teeth nipped at the lower lip as fingers fidgeted Think, think, think. He must be unconscious he reasoned after all this wouldn't be possible otherwise. "Perhaps economy suddenly dropped, although it wasn't suspected." He mumbled softly, yet in the space it was a scream.

"I'll be back soon Norge. Be okay till then, it'll only be a few days."

Eyes flashed towards his hand as a pressure pressed down on it. Be okay? What did the person mean? He attempted to recognize the voice. "Matthias?"

It was his, he was positive, but where was he going? Was Lukas in that bad of a condition. Would he be okay. Lukas frowned, this was, impossible. "Matthias!" his surrounding evaporated starting under his feet."Nej! Matthias! Matthias? Emil?"

Matthias turned away and stood as soft incoherent mumbling. Softly he smiled "I'll be back soon Norge. Be okay till then, it'll only be a few days."

Carefully he took his hand holding onto it tightly. Although he didn't want to hurt him, maybe a slight jolt of discomfort would be the deal.


Softly he rubbed his side signalling for England to move over here. As soon as the blonde was close they swapped tasks. "Nej..... Matthias......Matthias.... Emil...."

Lips turned down as his feet slowly brought him out of the room and toward the stairs. Eyeing the door he easily had his jacket and shoes on before grabbing his bag and walking out the door

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