Chapter 12

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Everyone was chattering at the table. Peter and Thomas were questioning Matthias on his adventure, which he willingly described however they knew it was mostly him driving and not saving Northern Europe. Tino and Berwald were talking. Well, more so Tino. Berwald was nodding along also half paying attention to the lies being told to the micronations. The youngest of the brothers were attempting to ignore Lukas's pestering however.

"I'm not telling you who I like!"

"Tell me. I can help."

"I'm not!"

Slowly their bickering got the other five's attention. Of course it was normal for them to be in a disagreement but with the topic of crushes? Never did they discuss this topic. Why would they? "I'm not telling you! Not like you would tell me yours." Emil countered.

"You never asked."

"Who do you like then?"

"No one."


"Truth. I haven't felt romantical about someone for years Emil."

"Who was it then?"

Lukas stared and took a bite of the waffles made for breakfast. He couldn't very well admit to liking his brothers crush. But Matthias rejected Emil so if he worded it right...

"Matthias. Then I realized how stupid he was and how stupid I was being."

Only the Icelandic noticed the grinning Dane practically jumping in his seat. Emil had mixed emotions from the confession though since it gave the dane hope when he wasn't positive Lukas still thought of him romantically. "I was really young in my defence and realized that there was better people who deserved my time more."

"Like?" teased the dane wrapping an arm around the norwegian who shrugged it off. "My people. My friends. My brother. I wasn't even independent so technically it would've been stockholm syndrome. And I realized that you were below my standards."

Matthias rolled his eyes thinking about all their times together. Although he would admit Lukas was above him. Emil rolled his eyes as well. He was lying. Awfully. He understood denying current feelings from embarrassment but why was he going on about how Matthias was below him? Everyone knew that they should just get together, the other nations just didn't know that they did in the past.

After breakfast Matthias dried the last utensil and made his way around the house. Although Emil basically said Lukas wouldn't want anything with him but it'd be better to get his memories back. If magic could tamper with your head, what non-magic user could know what else it did. The Norwegian was sitting on the couch reading. Debating for the final time he sat beside him.

"Norge, can we talk?"

"Nej. I'm busy." Lukas flipped the page.


The blond turned to him and lowered the novel. Violet blue eyes were connected distracting the dane. He was saying something but nothing was registering.

Violet blue eyes were connected distracting the dane. Should he even do this. Of course, he needed to do this. Slowly he pulled Lukas over and the smaller rested his head on the dane's shoulder. "Jeg elsker dig." the other simply nodded with his eyes closed. "Ja."



With a final deep breath Matthias pulled away making the Lukas adorn a concerned face. To signal it was going to be fine e lightly kissed his cheek and stood then helped his lover. "Matthias?"

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