Chapter 9

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"Emil, we've watched three movies. We should get up." mumbled the Norwegian attempting to scoot off of the mattress. Yesterday, when he woke up, all they did was watch movies, including one that mocked his nation. Although Troll Hunter was interesting he'd never admit to that. "Nei! Storebror!"

Lukas rubbed his temple attempting to think of something that they could do other than sit around. "Do you want to go out? Normally your always attempting to head out."

Emil's vibrant violet eyes never wavered. He wasn't going to give so easily, Norway knew that, and for once, he curse that trait. "I meant both of us." His voice came out monotonously and he knew it probably sounded hash if someone was listening in however, it was only showing he was bored and, why could he not move? Emil never allowed it if the situation was switch.

"Both? Ja, okay."

The blond softly smiled as he watched his brother scurry from the bed room. With the door closed he changed and fixed his bad case of two day bed head. Although Emil was being overly possessive Lukas, honestly could care less. After all he gave him a good scare, he gave them all a good scare. The others however? They found Emil's actions annoying.

Thomas and Peter had tried to watch movies with them after they realized he woke up but, it was like stealing his licorice or smack talking his puffin. The boys were very cuddly, just as Tino is. The Icelandic didn't appreciate it. Then Finland attempted to get them downstairs to eat dinner and for breakfast. It was as if Emil got a doctorate on what drugs might do to a person's body. Although Lukas didn't mind that. Then there was Berwald, who wanted to talk to Lukas, privately. Emil dragged him out the room then locked the door.

The only Nordic he hadn't seen was Matthias, which was odd. Normally he was the clingy one. Although it wasn't as if the Norwegian would complain to being called Storebror. He just felt guilty for the circumstances of why.

He stretched then grabbed his phone to stick it in his pocket. Lukas grimaced noticing how many calls he missed from his boss for the past week. Even though he was off all week he had no recollection of what actually happened or what Arthur and Vladimir did to help. That, was dangerous, Lukas knew that but at the same time, he trusted their abilities.


The phone is his pocket ringed for a quick second. Without a thought he took it out to see a message. Eyes shut, if it was his government he would ignore it. Anyone else, answer. Lukas, all though ready to do something other then movie marathons did not feel prepared to catch up his paperwork. Dark blue eyes opened to see the name. Matthias.

He unlocked the device and went to the message.

When we were younger do you know where we stored important things?

Matthias didn't even know if he was okay yet he was asking for the Norwegians help? What could be even going on. Nej? It would depend on what it was. Where are you?


Lukas cocked a brow. Why would the Dane be in Denmark? Unless he had a meeting but he definitely did seem to be at one. His phone beeped again. Glad to know your awake now. Feeling better Norge?

Ja. What are you looking for?

A promise.

You make no sense.

Don't worry about it. I'll be back soon. Don't tell the others I messaged you, kinda skipped out on a few meetings.

"That idiot." he mumbled typing his message to him. Why the hell! Surely this promise isn't that important!

It is worth everything.

Den, don't be dramatic.

You'll see Lukas.


Lukas didn't get a reply. "Stupid Dane." he mumbled turning it off and walking out. With no reason to stay on the second floor he went to the living room. "Lukas!" cheered the boys instantly engaging in an embrace. Awkwardly he hugged the micro nations back. "Hej."

"Glad to see you finally up." Joked the blond Finnish man on the couch. All Lukas could do was roll his eyes. Tino knew after all that he was basically being caged in his room.

"Wanna play a game with us!" The two pleaded dragging him to their area of previous activities. The unexpected trio sat and the adult noticed the toy Vikings.

"I'm assuming-"

"Yeah." laughed Tino.

Creeks came slowly down the stairs then stopped "Are we no longer going out?" The two boys whined "Your leaving! But all day you've been with Emil only!"

Lukas shrugged and got up "We can do something later. I promised Emil, besides it's family time."

"We're all a family aren't we?"

"Lukas is biologically my brother." mumbled the teen passing Lukas his jacket.

"Then are you going to meet with Matthias?"

"Nej." I started about to continue further.

"Of course not. Why would we?"

"Aren't you like a family?" questioned Thomas "Like Us, Sweden and Tino."

Tino stared with a red face. "We're friends! Me and Su-san aren't together!"

The Finn noticed the brothers evacuate to leave this to him. But he couldn't understand how to explain this to them. Was there some sort of book to explain this to kids. What exactly was this even! Was there a book to explain it to him? He wished.

"But, I thought we were a family?" mumbled Peter

"Wh't's g''ng 'n?"

All he could do was turn and hope that the swede would help deal with this. Berwald himself, other his face stotic was confused. He easily noticed a pale Tino and the two boys, who were upset. "Wh't h'pp'n'd?" Never did he stand for any of the three being hurt or upset and suddenly, now all three were.

"Are we not a family?" questioned peter once again.

"Tino says tha-"


The stayed silent with Finland growing anxious every millisecond that Berwald didn't say anything. Why wasn't he saying anything! The boys said he said something to them. The micro nations weren't his responsibility. Even if he wanted to help, and not for the land. Tino wanted to help them, both were like sons. Eyes clenched slowly. "'v'ryth'ng 'k'y f'nn?"

His eyes opened and without registering anything he nodded "Y-yeah! Of course." After he realized the boys were gone. He didn't need to lie, but Sweden still asked for space.

"Th'y l'v' y''."

"I know.'

"Th'y th'nk w'r' ' f'm'ly."

This time he didn't reply.

"D' y'' s'' th's 's ' f'm'ly?"

Tino face went red. Was he proposing that things returned or that he was making sure all feelings were terminated? If he answered wrong it be a disaster. What was the answer he wanted! Why couldn't anything about the last thirty years be simple and straightforward! "I, don't see this as a family."

Berwald nodded "Th't's wh't m'tt'rs F'nn." Slowly he turned and walked towards where the Finn assumed the children went. "Wait! I want this to be a family though."

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