Chapter 28

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Violet eyes looked to two confused figures. "I thought you two knew how to knock?"

"We do." answered Thomas "What are you hiding?"


Peter sighed "But Emil! You can trust us!"

"It's a secret."

"Why can't we know?"

"It's Matthias's and Lukas's. I don't have a right."

The boys stared then shared a quick look making the islander pale. Never did he trust those two when they were determined and working together. Slowly they left the room without another word. Emil counted to five before planning to book it to Matthias's room and plead his help. He waited another ten seconds before running to the door where a blanket was casted over him. Two people, which was easy to assume was the boys tackled him making it impossible to get up then something started to sit on his leg. Something a lot lighter. "Hanatamago!" laughed Peter "Are you helping us?"

Emil cursed the dog in his head. What was he even supposed to do now! He should've just messaged the Dane to meet him in one of the cars and go out his window. Wouldn't be the first time Emil realized the good idea until after he did the bad one.

"Get off of me!" He shouted wrestling around in hopes of them falling off. Instead, the two and dog held on until steps came from down the hall. The teen felt the boys freeze along with the air all around him. Someone was pissed. Someone Emil did absolutely everything to not get pissed. "Tino!" he gasped sitting up and throwing the blanket away "We were just playing!"

Violet eyes were looking down upon them as if it was judgement day. And last time the islander checked the calendar he was pretty sure that it wasn't Ragnarok. The blond was smiling as he focused on the boys "Play? I thought-"

"Nope! Playing! Rough house you know, teaching them to be proper Vikings. They need the training. Especially Thomas."


Emil shot him a look "Maybe you should practice sailing. I'm sure Berwald would take you. When I was younger Matthias took me all the time."

Finland smile grew but his eyes flared with a violent flame at the mention of the Dane. As much as people told the Finn to forgive and move on, never has he forgiven people for wrong doing him. Why should he? At least if they apologized he would consider it but Matthias calling him a huora? Matthias wasn't going to apologize.

Emil mouthed an are you okay to which he nodded "If you want to sail then maybe in a few weeks. Be careful though, okay?"

All three stayed silent as he walked away. Nothing stopped them from being silent minutes later. One does not just simply recover from a close encounter with a mad Tino. "Emil?"


"Can you make us lunch?"

"Will you never tackle me again?"

The boys agreed rather quickly and called a truce over the secret so they could eat some sandwiches. It wasn't anything big but in truth, who cared? Lunch should only be small. Right? And it wasn't as if they were unhealthy with fluff. As much as the three all loved the marshmallow spread, they had to thin decent or else Tino may return to slaughter them. The Icelandic was much more fearful of that situation then his accomplices.

"Emil?" Started Peter "What's the secret? Are they dating?"

He turned to them confused "What?" The male was in panic mode. How did Peter figure it out that they used to be together? Who would tell them! Not Matthias, not himself and no one knew besides them! "Don't be dumb! They used to be a family! Not anymore even though Matthias wants it. The real question would be why Lukas doesn't want to be a family with him and Emil!"

"Lukas and me are family. We're brothers."

Thomas was quiet but that didn't stop Peter's curiosity. But no one could do anything about that now could they? "What about Matthias? He's like a dad to you right? He took you sailing!"

Emil turned unable to find the answer. Of course he thought of the Dane as family! He helped Lukas raise him and when Sweden took Lukas Matthias took care of him. Making sure he would grow up being prepared for almost everything. Obviously he wished his brother was there but he couldn't change that. But how could he not think of Matthias as family?

Much later Emil realized that they made a deal. If anything happened to Lukas, Matthias would raise Emil and not go after him. No matter what. The only reason the islander even knew of that deal was because when his brother joined Denmark again, he caught Matthias crying with them hugging and him apologizing.

He placed the plates down on the table and froze at the sight before him. The box in Thomas's hands. Emil dugged through his pockets. All that was found was lint. Lint. "You little thieves. That isn't yours."

Thomas rolled his eyes "It's not yours either. You said it was Matthias and Lukas's secret."

"They told me about it now give it back Thomas." He countered staring down the child "I'm their family so I know."

The three were silent and all the teen could do was pray that the two children wouldn't open it. What would happen if they did? Obviously yell for Berwald or Tino which would trigger their memories. Already Matthias had his memories. Emil wasn't really doing the best job of making sure no one gained their memories and reporting it immediately. Sure Matthias hasn't said anything but Berwald? Tino? Who knows what who they would tell besides each other.

"Give it back!"

"Not until you tell us why it's a secret only you three can know!" argued Peter. Determination in his blue eyes. At the second, Emil was ready to jump the table to grab it. "Because it's not your problem to deal with!"

"We all live together therefore it is." smirked Thomas being the know it all delegate in the situation. The islander hated delegates like that and this only proved his reasoning.

Footsteps echoed behind the teenager and the boys paled, quick to hid the box from whomever was standing behind Emil. All he could hope for was anyone but Lukas. Sure Matthias would kill all three of them for having the engagement ring then fighting about it but Lukas would get his memories back. Another week of torture for him. A week that Emil had no way to justify to put his older brother through besides knowing that being engaged to the Dane was something he wanted in his past. 

Not anymore.

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