Chapter 13

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Why wasn't Emil shocked? He should've seen this coming. Tino, was no help. As soon as he admitted to those four words he got hyper! Freaking out over who it was and how he'd be so cute with them and so on. Emil left as soon as he could, hours later almost hurt. During all of his ramblings never was the islander able to say a word on his crush and what made it worse was never once did Emil think of them as 'cute' or  'perfect for each other'. That really irritated him.

His computer displayed a notification in the corner causing him to lightly smile.. Maybe today would all be a disaster.

Lukas walked into the living room with a fresh mug of coffee before glaring at the couch inhabitant. Was it wrong of him to want to sit on the couch or at the very least in the living room without snoring! What he didn't understand was how Tino dealt with it all his years with Berwald. He knew his own years on hunting trips with him he wanted to stab his eyes out with arrows then slice out his tongue.

Although most wouldn't assume the Swede of snoring since he didn't speak much if you looked at his sleep patterns and other statistics of Sweden it was reasonable. He turned to leave, he'd just go read in his room. "Norge? Where ya going."

"My room."

"There's room for you to sit in here." answered the Danish man currently setting his phone down. Lukas didn't even want to pretend like he didn't realize that he was referring to the extra room beside him. After admitting he used to have feelings for him he much prefered avoiding him. He was ignoring the fact after he agreed to do something with him these on coming days.

"It's fine Den."

"Well, can we talk in your room then."

He sighed. Lukas didn't need to look at his face to know that he would be ready to beg. Slowly he made himself sit beside the other and sip his coffee "What is it?"

Matthias's phone beep and guiltily he notice a section of what the message said. However, Matthias smiled "I don't know how I would live without you in my life. And I don't want to think about a time like that. I want us to talk about our future, together."

Lukas was silent staring down at the book clenched in his hands. How dare he mock him. He was trying to help his brother who Matthias hurt! Surely he could've let him down easy! Now he was making dares to hurt him.

Hurry up with it. I want to see you finish the dare.

That's what one of his friends said. A dare. This was all one big joke. He rised then turned to slap him but realized his full hands. Instead he made a mental apology to Berwald and dumped his amazing coffee onto the Dane, who shrieked due to the burning liquid. Then he stormed back to the kitchen to make himself another cup.

Matthias was jumping around freaking out because fresh coffee was acid to the skin. All he wanted was for him to say I love you, Lukas to reply the same way and it be a happily ever after! 'Why couldn't it be simple!'

During his yelling towards himself the Swede started to dazily awake. It wasn't often he found himself asleep on the couch. What confused him more was why the Dane was being louder then usual. He assumed it was Matthias who woke him up with his unnecessary rambling.

Berwald wasn't a person to ease drop however with what he was going about couldn't be ignored on top of which he made himself sit up so the Dane could notice the slight glare for waking him up. Several times he attempted to clear his throat until he froze. Matthias couldn't mean what he said. Of course not. Berwald knew it wasn't real and relaxed still shocked what the Dane was saying.

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