Chapter 31

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It was morning. The crash has yet to come. Everyone was at home with the sun shining without a care through the windows. Tino was happily cooking a traditional Icelandic breakfast for Leon to try even though Emil said that he believed that it should be just coffee. The teens were chattering about nation's pets when Tino decided to mess around with Emil.

"Emil, didn't you say Leon knows your crush? Maybe he could help you!"


Violet orbs stared as if the antagonist jumped from the closet wielding a knife. Leon was disappointed, slightly. Sure, good for Emil liking someone but it wasn't as if he was out of the question. "I thought you were already dating them."

Tino stared completely lost. His plan was completely derailed and he had no clue if it was good or bad. "Leon, we both know I'm not seeing someone stop trying to make Finland fangirl."

He nodded and the boys ran in to sit on top of the islander. "Get off! You've already tortured me yesterday!"

"You can't get pregnant!" huffed Thomas.

"Were protecting you! If you have sex you die! Unless your married." chimed Peter.

Tino laughed nervously sure his boys were being adorable but Emil was about to erupt. Their eyes connected "Thomas. Peter. If that was the case Tino and Berwald would be dead several times over."

Leon softly chuckled and covered his mouth. The boys were staring, mouths hanging terrified. "Tino!" Rather rapidly they, mostly Peter, began sobbing and ran to hug his legs. "You can't die!

"Why did you have sex! You know it's bad!"

Lucky them, Berwald entered for his morning coffee as if he wasn't expecting for crying boys about him dying. Thomas ran and hugged him, which was odd enough since they were still fighting about his independence. "You're going to die dad! Die!"

It got serious with that one word. Peter and Thomas knew they could call him Dad but never did they. In retrospect Emil and Leon ran for their lives because they knew if they stuck around they would be dead for telling the boys that their guardians would perish because more often than not, minus the past three decades, they were having alone time and although they were happy, never did they even talk about engagement. The only Nordics that did, well, those two were having their feud.

After the family finally admitted that there are special ways to not die because of sex before marriage they could easily hear the Norwegian do his last minute packing before he left in a handful of hours. Then, he made his way into the kitchen for coffee. "Lukas, I'm killing your brother." mumbled Tino passing him a cup.

"Even though I would never permit it and would hunt you down to slaughter you, what happened?"

"Told the boys Berwald and I would die."

That interested the Norwegian. Sure Emil could be a dirty fighter like that but only when something important triggered it. "Cause of death and what did you say to earn it?"

The Finn pouted. When Lukas didn't change from his unemotional face Tino caved. "I started talking about his crush."

Lukas's frown deepened. They were discussing Matthias. The same idiot who already hurt his brother. Never would he approve of that, but if Emil found out about his own feelings. The Norwegian had to fear his brother would claim it was just to spite him of having a chance. "You deserved it."

Once again the door opened and in marched the Dane. Luckily he was no longer hung over so he could function, unless it came to Lukas. The Norwegian's voice still was ringing with the tormented words. Maybe Matthias didn't have a shot any longer but no matter what, Lukas would always be the one he would love. No matter what, the chances of another love to him, next to none.

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