Chapter 5

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Lukas sat down silently beside the swede and shortest blond in the house which made Peter shockingly excited. Although it wasn't a large deal to him. He scanned the others in the room and somehow, they all looked agitated or some greater emotion.

"Big brother?"

Lukas looked right to Emil. His appearance was the one he worried about the most. Tear stained cheeks partnered with red eyes were never a positive indicator. All the Norwegian could hope for was he didn't know. "I accidently took your phone. Thought you'd want it." The boy paused debating on continuing "England and Romania called. About your plan. I, don't agree with it."

The Norwegian's narrowed his eyes at his brother across from him. "How much did they tell you?"

"I got the basics. But, I remember everything, that they said."

Lukas sighed and rubbed his temple. Emil knows. He knows. What was he supposed to do. "Can we speak about this privately?"

Emil gulped and timidly nodded "I, also looked for, something of yours. But, couldn't find it."

Lukas was wholly and completely lost. What would he even remember that he'd want to find of his? Nothing that would've meant anything to him, most of the time they were at Matthias's homes so nothing there would've been a real attachment to him. Under the table he fiddled with his fingers attempting to still piece it together.

Everyone was silent during their stare down. Whatever was going on Emil knew, and with how he was acting, he wasn't going to be able to tip off the rest of them. Tino frowned for his own behaviour upon this realization. He was just freaking out because he needed Lukas to be safe. And if Emil didn't agree with his strategy, the chance of the rest saying no...

Matthias frowned waiting for one of them to explain what Lukas was planning. But minutes passed in silence and neither was even making an attempt to eat. They were going to talk, but not before he knew what was going on. "Lukas, what were you three going to do?"

"Nothing that concerns you or anyone at this table."

From the corner of his eyes he noticed Emil roll his eyes and slightly shake his head. "Bull crap. Does it bring harm to you or something?"

Emil scoffed causing Lukas to glare "It's perfectly safe. And makes life, easier."

"Easier?" asked Emil frowning "I think if something should happen it would complicate many things."

"Such as." The Dane attempted.

"Nothing! Because what he's implying would never happen!"

"What is he implying!"

Both kept silent driving the Danish male to push himself away from all the others. "Dammit you two. Your both too much alike for me to handle both of you."

Tino stared in shock as Matthias walked away, giving up on both of them. He never did that before. He watched as Emil stormed away to most likely his room leaving Lukas who bite his lip. Berwald sighed ""s 't d'ng'r''s?"

Lukas shook his head staring right at the swede. "Nej. The only danger would be if effects were off like they have."

"Have!" Tino gasped "that's what's wrong? A spell?"

Once again the blonde found himself nodding. "Ja. I did it centuries ago, before I was hoping it'd wear off soon but now that it has. I, need it stronger and back."

Both stared until the children silently got up and left. Berwald nodded to him.

"I'm not saying more. I didn't want anyone to know, especially Emil, now look. You two wouldn't act kindly either from what I assume."

"Wh' n't?"

He was silent.

"Could you at least explain it to Denmark? He's, worried, and with the state Emil came home and this, disagreement."

"Nej." Shockingly he took a small bite of food and swallowed "He can't know." Tino watched as he got up and cleaned up most of the plates before starting to leave the room. "Emil! Talk, now!"

Emil huffed pulling away from his computer as the door clicked shut behind the standing blonde. "Enlighten me. How, what?"

Violet eyes rolled as the chair wheeled away farther from the desk. "They called, i answered. Thought I was you, spilled about it. Threatened them and after some awful drink got them back."

"Don't get used to them, I'll be taking yours away."

"You can't do that! It's apart of my head Lukas!"

"I did before!"

Emil raised a brow "Ja, when you were scared for his life."

"Shut up Emil."

"You were goi-"

"I don't care what I was going to do before I did these spells! These memories have been torturing me! I can't even understand what's going to happen now Emil, we need them gone."


"Ja! You still don't get it do you Emil! That was centuries ago! I don't feel that way! But the memories are intense. You know what getting them back feels like."

Timidly the other nodded in agreement.

"I have to go through everything and hope I didn't screw over my nation because I was protecting his."

Emil sighed "I still don't like this."

"I don't care how you feel about this topic." mumbled Norway grabbing the handle.

"Wait, what happened to the promise?"

Lukas's face contorted in confusion. Promise? What promise? He sighed when he realized what he was talking about. "I, put where it should be. It was..."

"Can't even say his name and yet-"

"I can say Matthias's name Emil. It's just hard. It's like, if you got in a fight with, Leon-"

"We're friends."

"You still, care for friends. It's like when your mad at Leon and you want to kill them but, also just, stay in their arms.Like it was."

"Do you love him?"

He hesitated an answer "Nej."

Emil frowned "I heard your points. I'm not saying anything, why put them through hating you when your already doing great yourself."

"They don't hate me."

"Say that again, think long and hard and tell yourself with full confidence name by name they don't."

"Berwald Oxenstierna personification of Sweden doesn't hate me. Tino Väinämöinen personification of Finland doesn't hate me. Matthias Kohler personification of Denmark doesn't hate me."

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