Chapter 4

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Arthur stared awkwardly at the phone. Why must the brothers sound so much alike. Lukas was going to kill them, unless they erased Emil's memories of the call but with him in England it wouldn't work. His shoulder turned at the Romanian's nudge causing enough room for the Icelandic to enter. "We don't know what your talking about."

Emil rolled his eyes as he entered and shut the door "I'm sure you don't. But I'm sure the other Nordics would love to know you schemed up something and messed with us. It's not like they'll get mad at Lukas with his current, mental state so who else is there to blame?"

All three were as statues paralyzed due to the other accusing finger. Eyes lingered as estimates were checked. Arthur frowned realizing he was right. Especially if they got their memories, Denmark would act lie a prophet saying he was being Nobel. Even Sweden would see it that way.

Romania nudged the Nordic "Well, I say we give them Arthur. He has us pinned worse then the witch trials." The brunette waited for some sort of sign what to do. Vladimir smiled towards the ashen blond "After all, what Lukas doesn't know won't kill us."

The partners stared towards each other till the uptight brit, as Emil was told he was by Matthias, sighed in defeat and nodded along. "Very well. You tell your brother and we'll kill you before he burns us."

"Or stakes!" added the grinning brunette.

'Yes yes, I know." the blond huffed as he lead the unlikely trio through several halls and towards the cellar. Arthur opened the door and went in towards a bookshelf pulling out several texts all in different conditions from age.

"Haven't touch these since Lukas demanded our help."

Emil stayed frowning. Why would his brother even want to forget everything? Why would he need to ruin the minds of the others along with his own. He knew his brother worked in screwed up ways that made no sense but surely, his efforts wasn't needed. At least he hoped they weren't after all, what would be so bad about his life. He huffed to himself as he stopped attempting to think. There was no point, it wasn't like he'd remember. Yet.

After some several odd minutes the vampire wannabe passed him a glass and the brit pulling up a small chair. The look on his face must've expressed concern since Arthur sighed with an agitated frown. "It won't kill you or anything. All it will do is unlock your real memories."

"That's it?"

"Well, a headache. Not as bad as Norway's."

The Romanian nodded along "That's his own fault though. He also suppressed feelings and that gets, touchy."

"Why would he suppress feelings?"

Arthur sighed "You'll remember in a minute, just, don't talk to anyone about it. As you know from the call none of the Nordics remembered it. Fair?"

Emil quickly nodded and drank the discoloured liquid with the thickness of sour milk. He sat for nearly seventeen seconds on the chair till he winced. All he felt was neurons in his head crack as if they were firecrackers. Fingers pressed to his forehead, Emil's own, but even with the smallest contact it felt like a hammer to the forehead.


Too loud. Why were they screaming his name at them? He squeezed his eyes trying to organize his thoughts. What could he grasp onto. Lukas. Norway did this to his memory for some reason. Emil started thinking of his childhood in hopes of finding a difference.

HIs eyes widened when he hit it "my god he..."

Lukas half smiled as the boys bickered barely a foot ahead of him and Sweden. They were somewhat like Emil when he was their age in his mind. Of course, other than his brother being terribly shy. His eyes flickered around the city block remembering what it felt to live here, and hate it. The Norwegian cursed himself. He needed to stop this.

With Memories, We ForgetNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ