Chapter 2

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Emil sat alone munching on his breakfast. Of course whenever there was an issue with his older brother everyone seemed in the state of panic but the boy highly doubted anything serious, them being nations and acting like this didn't mean much. The Icelandic stood and cleaned the mess that typically he'd avoid at all cost.

Although, he might as well help with everyone worried. He stole a moment to look to witness Matthias storm out and some of his brothers closest neighbours pale and walk off to speak. A sigh passed through the air, what was even going on?

Lukas was fine a week ago continuing with the normal tsundere act and pestering for being called big brother. Slowly it got worse as all things seemed to do. What was Emil even able to do? He denied Matthias and normally when he was ill he appreciated the Danes company.

Emil huffed and was about to exit the room before a buzz echoed faintly. The teen in appearance checked his phone taking note of the midnight screen. Eyes scanned then connected with the culprit. A phone who's case adorned a similar flag to his own. It was his brothers.

The Icelandic entered it "Hallo?"

"Lukas!' came an English accent. Emil was going to interject but the other personification continued "We found a way to do the spell again. Your memory shouldn't come back again."

Emil paled. Lukas's memories? They took them away and Lukas didn't want them. "Ja?"

"Da." came another voice. From the accent found it safe to say it was Romania. Both of them were in on this? Emil couldn't understand what could be so bad, bad enough for them to also step in. "Luckily it's only your memory coming back and no one else. I'm sure the Nordics wouldn't appreciate us tampering."

"Shut up git! It was for their safety."

The Icelandic was frowning. Those three tampered with all of their memories? What was so bad that Luas would need to step in and do that? He realized it would be useless to assume since his own was a lie.

"Nei. They wouldn't." he mumbled.

"Lukas, ignore him. Can you come to England. We can do the spell."

"Ja. I'll... be a bit.... Emil is...being careful as it is."

Vlad sighed causing the other to bite his lip. If they found out it was him talking. "Da... is he and Matthias showing signs of memory. Maybe we should redo them as well. If your memory is returning i wouldn't be shocked for them."

"No. We put extra on them. If anything Finland and Sweden would remember before them especially before Denmark. We should just worry about Lukas and if they know we'll deal with it."

"Ja. Takk. I should go. I'll be by soon."

They said their byes and Emil hung up quick to pocket his brother's phone. It wasn't as if he was going to go through it and he obviously didn't want it if he left it down here while he hide upstairs. The teen pulled out his phone and messaged a friend just in case he was called as they looked for him.

Emil grabbed his jacket and passport "Tino, Berwald, I'm going to visit Leon."

The two looked at him in disbelief. He was really going to leave while his brother was miserable.

"Maybe now is a bad time Emil." reasoned Tino "I'm sure Lukas would actually enjoy your company right now with him going through..... This."

"Leon and I are doing research to help him. He thinks he may have a lead."

The two shared a look "Okay. call us if you find something."

The Icelandic nodded and left leaving the two males alone once again. The smaller sighed. The two closest to Lukas were gone and he never was found of the remaining comforting him. Always was it Matthias, and when it was about the Dane it was Emil.

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