Chapter 27

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Arthur was frowning at his phone tempted to through it into the english channel. It wouldn't be the first time nor the last. Emil messaged him saying that the stupid Dane showed signs of having his memories back before the stupid coma of Sweden but he forgot to message. He didn't want signs he wanted an answer. Now the teenager was also pointing out how he thinks it may be slightly possible that Berwald remembered.

No, Arthur didn't think the coma was stupid nor was the Dane. He was frustrated. Already he was telling Romania to prepare for two more spells but he was complaining about having to leave Moldova with Bulgaria. Vlad admitted that the others didn't mind but he would much rather be the one watching and raising his little brother. Leaving the brit agitated and unable to complain the normal Nordic he does and Emil wasn't listening to him. Instead he was messaging some girl. All he was rambling about was if he should ask this chick out or help Lukas get a date. Not his problems. Maybe the last one. Hopefully it wouldn't turn into his problem.


I'm busy trying to help Emil. Maybe If you told me what nation you like is I could be of use. Until then I will spend my time fixing the Nordics memories.

Right. Sorry. One more thing. I might have found something Matthias gave Lukas, but it meant the world to him.

The brit stared. The teenager really wasn't thinking through this whole don't get Norway's memories back was he? If you're thinking of giving it to him I refuse to do another spell to get rid of his memories.

Sure, it was a lie but he wouldn't let Emil know that. No matter what, if Lukas didn't want those memories he would build a barrier around them.

He waited for a reply but after several minutes of not hearing a beep he simple left the phone on the corner table while he stood and left the room. When he sat and opened the book he has been attempting to read for the past month the fire alarm started ringing. "Bloody hell!"

Arthur ran to the kitchen to see smoke rising from the microwave. When did he even put something into the microwave! He opened its door and grabbed one of the clothes from a draw, quick to stop it's blaring. After several minutes it stopped and he was able to see what was now a burnt muffin. When he rarely decided to have a muffin he would warm it up. Arthur reasoned he forgot about it when Romania called saying he couldn't just leave Moldova again.

He understood. Years ago he himself used to raise his younger siblings after all. Sure, frustrating when it europe may be on a brink of another war but understandable. The muffin found its way into the compost before the self acclaimed english gentlemen made his way back to his cozy chair and sat once again picking up his novel.

The book wasn't bad however he much prefered mysteries. This one featured a group of five traveling across their country in hopes to overthrow the empress who was said to have killed her older sister for the throne. The main character, a young seventeen year old named Joan blamed her for her brothers death. Much too young adult for his taste but the use of magic was getting good reviews so he tried it.

Romania smiled to himself as Moldova coloured. The boy looked up to his brother and started giggling. "What is it Aurel?"

" Только Болгария крадется на вас."

(Only Bulgaria sneaking up on you.)

Vlad frowned. Personally he didn't care what language his baby brother used. Now Moldova's bosses. One time they caught him so they killed people. On top of which Romania didn't know what he assumed was Russian meaning he didn't have a clue to as what Aurel told him. "Can you say it in a different language besides Russian?"

The child smirked adorably and covered his eyes before jumping up and shouting boo. Romania chuckled "Very scary."

Then something grabbed his shoulders causing the strawberry blonde to freeze. Something was breathing right beside his ear and Vladimir was prepared to scream. Softly the familiar voice whispered a boo.

Romania shrieked and ran to pick up Moldova who was laughing. When he turned he noticed a chuckeling Bulgarian. His face heated in embarrassment. "Here I was thinking you were a mad Brit or a Nordic." he muttered setting his brother down who ran to hug the guest. Which Alex happily returned to the child "A Brit or Nordic? What have you been doing with the magic trio?"

"Still can't tell you."

"Well it's safe to assume the freak outs, missing nation and coma."

"We're helping Alex."

He nodded in agreement and sat to were Moldova dragged him to the colouring books. Happily the Bulgarian started to colour along with the brunette. "I know. Still makes no sense to how much issues are going on with the Nordics. Everyone is talking."

"I know." he sighed sitting beside his best friend "That's the issue though."

"Then let's just tell them to stop. Better yet let's get Germany to do it."

Romania laughed "Since he would fully agree to that without any knowledge."

"Magic to forget the issues then?" suggested Alex which Romania only nodded against. Already memory spells were the issue, and he hated that type of magic therefore the less, the better. "Well, anyway then, I was thinking us three could go out."

"In the sun?" mumbled Vlad scrunching up his nose looking to all the closed curtains. Aurel grinned and nodded running off to a closet to get his jacket. Now they would have to go. Not because Auler would throw a tantrum, no, because vladimir spoiled his brother to death and back. "Come on. I know you don't like it but it'll be nice not to be so pale like you are."

"Fine. You owe me."

"Frozen yogurt?"


"Bulgaria! Big Brother! Hurry up!" shouted the boy from the other room causing the two to laugh and make their way to him before they all left. Luckily for Romania, it was mostly clouds unlike this morning.

Emil was sitting in his room ignoring his electronics for once staring at his brother's engagement ring. He remembered to them coming home and Lukas being the happiest he's ever seen. And being told that they were like the family Emil wanted now. Later that night when he woke up he remembered sneaking down stairs noticing Matthias was finally gone and Lukas smiling, just looking at the ring. Dancing, humming. Everything.

He never did that anymore. At least when he was with Matthias he did it every now. Maybe Lukas having his memories was the correct thing.

No one else saw it that way.

His door opened and he quickly attempted to hide the ring.

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