Chapter 24

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Tino was there beside him. It was only them in the home since Lukas practically told Emil to get out of the house. The teen started panicking just as he did when Lukas was bed ridden by the islanders orders. Then Lukas and Matthias decided to take the boys out since they shouldn't have to worry about Berwald dying.

That left Tino all alone and he didn't know what to do. No one did. Nations weren't supposed to just die! It was the modern ages they worked to have as little wars as possible! Berwald couldn't die!

Finland stood and left the room. He couldn't sit in there any longer. His sanity was leaving him. It was slipping. Firstly he stopped in the bathroom to scrub water onto his face, something that Tino did to calm himself. Secondly he went to find something in the fridge downstairs to drink. It was known as a battery to his people and he very rarely drank one but lately, it's been more and more frequent.

The yellow liquid went down easily and he stood, just breathing when thirdly, he heard it. Fourthly he bolted up the stairs and flung into the room. There was Berwald, coughing and wheezing and clenching his head in a tight ball. His Berwald. Breathing. Awake. Tino sobbed.

"F'nn?" Berwald's voice was raspy. He hated it.

"It's okay. You're okay. It's all better." He smiled wiping away tears to go hug him which Berwald pulled him onto the bed so they could both sit comfortably and hold each other. " F'nn, wh'r''s D'n?"

"They took the boys out." Tino mumbled in reply.

"Th'y? Wh'?"

"Matthias and Lukas. Who else?"

He stayed silent before grabbing his phone. The Dane was going to pay. His phone was dead. So Matthias got lucky, he was going to live, for now.

When the four returned Finland was quick to send the boys to Berwald however he was going to slaughter Lukas limb from limb. Tino dragged the Norwegian to the kitchen frowning with a confused Dane behind them. They were silent, for now. Finally they got there and Tino tossed the bottle of Advil he gave Berwald to Lukas.

"What did you do to it."

"What?" Lukas was looking over the pill bottle confused "Nothing. Why would I?"

"That is the bottle of pills you used to try your little stunt. I took them and put them in the kitchen so we wouldn't have to worry."

"Lukas's stunt?" came Matthias's voice in shock.

"What? You took my-"

"I gave them to Berwald and he was knocked out for days! What the hell did you do to them!"


"Then why hurt yourself when you know we care!"

"I don't know Tino I can't remember anything let alone that I wasn't even sane!"

"You did something to them. Some black magic of yours."

Lukas rolled his eyes putting them on the counter. Never did he want to see Advil again in his life. "I'm innocent and you know it. I did nothing to cause his coma."

"Yes you did! God I wish the witch trials still were going on! I'd burn you myself."

It returned to silence. No one dared mention those days with a member of the magic trio. Only they even spoke of them to threaten each other or in means of describing that the person was going to kill them. However during the trials, often enough it was people they taught or learned with that were slaughtered. Then it came to the number of times they were caught. All three members were tortured, many times over but never did they lose hope in their art. All were tortured in many ways but they had to admit. The burnings were the worst.

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