Follow You Through the Dark (!)

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by: disarm_d


Harry discovers that Niall is a vampire and has some valid concerns.


Harry walks in on Niall with his head between a pretty brunette's legs and thinks, Hello, doctor. He's just planning on watching for a little while - since he's hereand all - but Niall must have heard the door open. He spins around and. Harry's had his head between loads of girls' legs, but it's never looked like that.

Niall's blue eyes are glowing purple, and his mouth is covered in slick red. Harry's had sex with a girl while she was on the rag, but he's never gone down on anyone; that's a little extreme. "Mate," Harry starts, but now that Niall has spun his head around Harry can get a better look (also he's walking closer, so that helps), and he realizes that the girl is still wearing underwear, or, no, those are shorts. She's still fully dressed. It's her thigh that's bleeding, high up, with Niall's fingers still twisted in the hem of her shorts to hold them away from the bleeding.

It's even kinkier than Harry could have ever hoped, but still he can't help feeling a little queasy.


"So, now you know," Niall says, once he's seen the girl off. They seem, like. Friendly. But then Niall's friendly with everyone, including the people he has sex with, so that's no help.

"A ha, I've figured it out," Harry says, although he has not.

Niall rubs at the back of his neck, a nervous gesture. Is he dating this girl? Harry can't tell. It's not fair for Niall to have a secret girlfriend and not even tell them. Or, worse, that he has a secret girlfriend and he just hasn't told Harry. Harry spends loads of time asking him questions about what Niall looks for in a person and what he's been doing with his willy, so Niall has had plenty of opportunities to fill Harry in on the details.

"Don't freak out, okay?" Niall asks.

"Calm as a bell," Harry says. He pats Niall on the arm and only tries a little bit to peer closer and see if there's still blood smeared on Niall's cheeks.

"It's not that big a deal."

"Sure, sure," Harry says. "Steady as houses."

"Are you going into shock?" Niall asks, slapping away Harry's hand when he tries to brush his fingers over Niall's cheeks. "No, don't touch, oh my god. Harry! Never poke a vampire in the mouth. That's just common sense."

"True," Harry says. Then, "Wait, what?"


So Niall's a vampire and he won't show Harry his teeth and he won't make his eyes all glowy again and it turns out that damn Zayn already knew. Everything is the worst it could possibly be. Harry holes up in his bunk to have an afternoon nap.

"What's Harry sulking about?" Liam asks when he walks by Harry's bunk.

"I'm napping," Harry shouts.

"He's stroppy as hell," Louis says. "Cranky little babe."

"I'm just tired!"

"What are you cranky for then?" Liam asks, pulling back the curtain of Harry's bunk.

"I'm asleep," Harry says and then closes his eyes quickly. "No one disturb me."

"Oh, leave him," Niall says, appearing suddenly behind Harry's shoulder.

Harry sighs as loud as humanly possible (could Niall sigh even louder? Harry doesn't know, he doesn't know anythingany more) and rolls over meaningfully.

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