Half a Heart

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by: NarryMusings


Harry's spent the majority of his life searching for his soul mate; the other half of his rose gold heart. When he's 19, he stops - stops hoping and wishing and searching – because maybe his mother is wrong. And then he meets a boy – bright blond hair, beautiful blue eyes, brilliant smile – and it feels like he's known this boy, this stranger, his whole life.


"This, Harry, this is yours, okay? And you need to keep it safe."

Harry is just five years old when he asks his mum what the half-shaped, rose gold heart is for.

"It will help you find the other half of your heart, Luv; your soul mate. Harry, for every half heart, there's another that belongs to one other person – and that person is your soul mate. That person is the person you're meant to spend the rest of your life with. And their heart will fit perfectly against your heart and that's when you'll know, Harry. That's when you'll know you've found the one person who was made just for you and your heart. So you need to keep it safe, Harry, because your other half will keep their heart safe for you too."


Harry is 13 when he finds himself in love with Louis.

Harry meets Louis when he's eight years old. Louis is the popular kid at school, the charismatic, goofy, class clown-like one. He's very loud, very quirky and very confident and everyone loves him – even the teachers, who tend to discipline him behind smiles and eye-rolls. He's all short, brown hair, crystal-like blue eyes and a dazzling, perfect smile and Harry is instantly drawn to him. But so is everyone else, Harry thinks.

Louis approaches Harry at lunch time and by the end of the hour Louis decides that they're going to be best friends.

And then they are. They're inseparable, quite like a package deal. Harry's quieter and more reserved than Louis is, but they balance each other out and that's what Harry likes about it. That they complete each other.

When they're 10, Harry starts to wonder if maybe they're soul mates.

But Louis doesn't have his heart necklace like Harry does; hanging from a chain around Harry's neck and almost always tucked safely underneath his shirts. "My mum wants to wait until I'm 13 to give me mine," Louis tells him when Harry asks why he doesn't have his.

It's a long time to wait – three years – to see if Louis is his soul mate, but Harry is ready and willing. Because Louis makes Harry happy, makes him feel alive and special. Because just the thought of seeing Louis makes Harry's real heart race in his chest and the butterflies come alive in his stomach every times he sees him. Because Louis sometimes holds his hand and because he lets Harry cuddle with him when they're watching movies in Harry's basement. Because they're perfect together and everything just kind of makes sense.

Besides, it's already been two years – so yeah, Harry can wait three more years.


Louis gets his heart necklace on his 13th birthday and Harry is sick with anticipation for the moment when he can fit Louis' half against his own. But there are so many people gathered in Louis' house for the party and Harry is nervous enough as it is so he waits and waits some more. He waits until all their friends are gone and Louis' mum is cleaning up the mess they've left behind and Harry and Louis are playing Louis' new video game while waiting for Harry's mum to pick him up. Twenty minutes in, Harry can't take it anymore so he pauses the game – against Louis' protests – and he grabs Louis' necklace from around his neck and places the jagged edge of Louis' heart against his own. And then his real heart plummets into his stomach and his chest tightens and Louis looks confused but Harry doesn't have the heart to care because it doesn't match – Louis' half doesn't fit Harry's half. But Harry's always been stubborn, so he tries again; pulls the two halves apart and brings them together again – and again and again. And it just won't fit. Louis' heart doesn't match Harry's.

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