Security Blanket

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by: krank


There’s nothing like a little company when you’re laid up with a knee injury.


The room was almost completely dark save for a single lamp on a table in the corner that had been left on in the shuffle of Basil hovering by his side, his physical therapist and a doctor fussing over him, and the member of management that had swung by briefly. Everyone had finally left, though, and it seemed the light was going to stay on, because Niall could hardly maneuver himself to go and shut it off.

He wondered how long it would take for the glow to drive him crazy.

He was bored of his phone, which was charging on the bedside table. His Twitter had blown up with well-wishes mixed with confused questions and angry outbursts from fans. It took situations like that to really show how many different types of people there were in the world. The majority of the tweets were apologetic and sympathetic, which made him feel a fraction better.

Just as he was contemplating whether or not he could break the lamp by chucking things at it, there was a soft knock on his hotel room door.

“Yeah?” He called.

“It’s me.”

Niall felt a little bubble of warmth in his chest as he heard the familiar voice. He called for Harry to enter, which he did with a key card he’d no doubt bribed someone for. It was hardly a new thing, him visiting Niall in hotel rooms late at night, so he doubted it was that much of a challenge. Plus, Harry could charm anyone, Niall knew that first hand.

“How are you feeling?” The gangly boy asked, holding the door handle to stop it from shutting too loudly. He made to cross the room towards the bed when Niall held up a hand. “What?”

“The light,” Niall croaked, clearing a lump in his throat. “Turn that thing off, will ya?”

Harry obliged and the room was plunged in to darkness, which was a welcome relief. Niall hadn’t quite thought it through, though, because a few bumps and stumbles later, Harry had made it over to his bedside. “Sorry,” Niall shrugged. “I forgot how clumsy you are in broad daylight, let alone in complete darkness.”

“Hey,” Harry whined, and Niall could hear the sound of his boots being flung across the floor. There was the jingling sound of a belt buckle and the soft sounds of fabric hitting the carpet.

“Oh, sure, just make yourself at home! Get naked, it’s no problem,” Niall teased, trying to shift himself over on the mattress so there was a bit more room beside him. He knew Harry would manage, but he himself didn’t want to be any more uncomfortable than he already was. He was stuck laying on his back with his left leg elevated on some pillows. It would help keep the swelling down, though he was regularly a side-sleeper.

“You like me naked.” Niall could hear the grin in Harry’s voice, and seconds later felt the bed sink under his weight. Despite his joking, Harry had kept his boxer-briefs on, which was a small miracle in itself. Niall wasn’t sure he was up for the usual distraction that was Harold Jr.

It took Harry a moment to situate himself, being the fussy overgrown child that he was. He could fall asleep anywhere, but when it came to sleeping or cuddling with Niall it turned in to some sort of process.

At one point during Harry’s shifting and wiggling, however, he accidentally bumped Niall’s knee. “Oh shit!”

Niall bit his lip and breathed out slowly as the pain radiated through him with a dull roar. He had taken some pills, though they weren’t helping nearly as much as he would have liked. “It’s… It’s fine.”

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