If I Got a Condo on a Cloud Then I Guess You Can Stay at my Place

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By: orphan_account


"I think I can make it. Wait so are we gonna have to hold hands and stuff?" Niall asks Harry and Harry blushes and looks down at his feet awkwardly.

"I- you don't have too. You can just hover."

Harry can't just show up to his sister's wedding where his ex boyfriend is going to be without somebody with him, I mean he can't just loiter around the chocolate fountain. So that's why he enlists Niall's help.


Niall's back is to him. Niall is wearing a really nice solid blue polo shirt accentuates the broadness of his shoulders. They also make his jawline and cheekbones look like something Harry could cut his fingers on but Harry can't see it (Niall's face) currently because Niall's back is to him and he's typing up this report because he's the manager of their floor and he's always so busy. Harry is tapping his fingers on the wall of Niall's cubicle while his other hand practically suffocates a cup of coffee. He's nervous and he hates being nervous because everything is all out of orbit when he's nervous.

Harry has a bit of a crush on his kind of but not really boss if this little fact wasn't noticeable. And that's not really the problem you see because Harry is twenty three years old for crying out loud and he knows how to handle crushes (pine silently from afar until Zayn throws mints at his face and watch The Notebook at home and cry about all failed relationships and all going to be failed relationships) so the little crush isn't his problem. It's just that Harry kind of needs a big favor and maybe he could've asked someone else like Zayn for example but it simply wouldn't work and he'd known Niall for six whole agonizing months and Harry was sure Niall would do this for him. Or find him painstakingly crazy.

Either or.

So Harry continues to stare daggers at Niall's back trying to think of ways to phrase the question how to just open his mouth and ask something so utterly preposterous. Okay maybe he's being a tad bit over the top he has a flair for dramatics (he knows Louis for crying out loud) but this favor is pretty big and a lot stupid his subconscious tells him. But he never listens to his subconscious... he wonders if that's why he's failing at life.

Niall swivels around in his chair suddenly and of course Harry startles himself and spills the coffee down his dress shirt. The coffee is hot and he yelps and brings a hand up to his chest breathing hard while the stinging sensation continues to vibrate through his skin and he can feel the bruise forming and Niall's laughing because he's Niall and he's the kind of person to laugh at someone's misfortune and it isn't mean or anything it's just like a reflex for him Harry's realized over the past six months. Like how you say bless you to someone when they sneeze Niall laughs when people hurt themselves.

Harry realizes how terrible that sounds but he can't quite assess it because Niall may be laughing but he has a paper towel on Harry's chest dabbing it and trying to stifle giggles.

"Goodness, mate you alright?" Niall asks looking up at him with large blue eyes that remind Harry of his little cousin.

"Fine." Harry croaks and Niall backs up and examines the damage done to Harry's dress shirt and he shakes his head.

"I have an extra shirt you could wear." Before Harry can protest that idea and tell Niall no the blonde is already turned away rifling through his messy cubicle for an extra shirt. He's muttering something under his breath about how clumsy Harry is but it's teasing and he keeps shooting Harry looks and smiling and Harry's emotions are running rapid inside of him so he kind of just watches Niall do his thing. He finally resurfaces with an 'aha' and a red polo in his hands it seems as if polos are all he owns.

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